You guys are only listening to WoW Community Council Feedback

Because they wanted to ask the Community Council about their thoughts.

But you just said the whole forums were their feedback thread.

Which means they didn’t need to make the thread at all. So which is it? They don’t need the thread or they do? Make up your mind.


The Community Council is another forum.


You didn’t answer my question. They either do need a thread or they don’t. Which is it?

They’re asking multiple sources, they need to ask in multiple places.

This particular forum is for regular players.

The Community Council forum is for Community Council players.


The community council members can post here as well. So why was a thread needed over there if the whole forums exist for feedback?

I did get that survey and it was sort of a muddled mess. Like they asked me about the tinker gems, as if the tinker gems are the problem with this mode and not the fact that they want you to grind out close to 2 million bronze

anyway, I’ve agreed with almost all the feedback the council provided, especially that one guy that said its bad to not have any battle pet content here since mop invented battle pets, and quite frankly the drought of battle pet content since the 10.2 patch is causing me a big concern about the pet battle team, like are they ok, have they been renditioned somewhere, was a ransom note left?

To get less prone to over the top mini meltdown style feedback.


So you’re afraid of Blizzard listening to the “wrong” people is what I’m hearing.


No, that is what this thread and the other one on this forum seems to be saying.

I’m happy that they’re asking multiple sources.


They’re probably vetted by an AI so that nothing awful gets through (like resumes) and then I’m sure the surveys are available for manual reading but the devs aren’t responsible for it. Most likely community managers will sift through it all and present what they think is a good fit for the devs to read during a mandatory meeting.

Still refusing to answer my question. I guess I expected you to be arguing in good faith instead of just trolling.

I don’t see a question.


I’m betting there’s a lot you don’t see. Thankfully I won’t be seeing your tiresome dreck any more.

What a strange individual you are. Have fun in your travels.


I’d imagine that just as some of us stay in this area (GD usually) some only stay in that area.

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As someone who was on the CC, they don’t care about that either. It’s all for show.

The “we will not be decreasing upgrade costs” post admitted they heard feedback but were ignoring it.


The community councils job is to collect feedback and funnel it as the communities voice. You voice your opinion in game, on the forums, in the surveys, on 3rd party sites.

If Blizzard wants to see a forum thread of a single random player they can easily come here, but the point is to focus it instead of going through ‘i think there needs to be more bronze’ 109 times.

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Sure, I’m just saying it would have been easy to make one here as well. Get some feedback about how everyone feels about the event after playing it for a couple weeks now.

Meanwhile, over on the CC forum thread: I think there needs to be more bronze.