You gotta try it

I’m just giving a thought process. Currently it seems like the devs think of it as a pet class with choices.

However I’m not saying that’s a good idea. I mean this is the same team that thought 2 seconds of beast cleave was a meaningful aoe increase.

But, giving the option to be a spear hunter isn’t odd. The very first hunters ever used traps and sticks.

No point to make with an angry goblin like yourself. It’s been shown too many times it would go over your head, you’re too dumb and continue to act like a crazy ex girl friend that is still madly in love.


That is odd, because specs meant to build on the base class. They are not ever meant to be choices to be worse on purpose just for the hell of it, which is what’s amounted to by what you described. In a context of a ranged weapon user, choosing to be melee goes against the very basics of spec design.

Some of us want Survival to amount to more than just the circus freak of class design ¯\(ツ)


Buddy you have to be tall enough to ride the roller coasters before talking to the adults now.

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I think it’s great that hunter has true variety in how you want to play.

You want a bow? You’ve got two choices for that.

Want to get up closer? Yep that exists too.

Do you like pets? Go nuts.

Do you want to be legolas? Yep.

You want to be more primal? Yeah we got that covered too.

I think it’s ok to break from WoW tradition for the sake of variety.


How is early man a worse hunter? Dude was taking down Mammoth’s and such.

Also how do you know they didn’t have grenades? Maybe that is how the Mammoth went down so easily.

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Boar have been routinely been hunted with spears because it was generally too dangerous to use bows as you couldn’t guarantee kills with arrows.

Hunting with spears has continued throughout human history, it wasn’t just thrown out after the invention of the bow.


Woops sorry wrong character

The number of times you use this as a crutch is astounding. This just in, wildly overtuned specs are popular while they’re overtuned. You make some pretty dumb statements, but this is one of my favorites.


What, the variety of being able to play melee in a game full of melee specs and a class with two other ranged specs that can fight at 100% full effectiveness when in melee range? Are you listening to yourself?

The game as a whole lost variety by losing one of its only ranged weapon users, and it’s no comfort to Hunters that they gained nothing but a spec with a range-based restriction. That’s why hardly anyone ever plays Survival. It’s a completely nonsense idea for a class so heavily based in ranged weapon combat. At most it should have been a talent for BM, which would actually make a lot of sense given how much Survival just rips off BM since it can’t build its own melee Hunter identity.

Portraying the design standards of specs as building on top of a class foundation as “WoW tradition” is also absurd. It’s the entire pragmatic purpose and namesake of a specialisation.

You had to know to some extent how ridiculous it is to argue in melee Survival’s favour on the basis of… boar hunting.

Firstly, this heavily depends on what bow you’re using. Longbows and recurve bows can absolutely take down boars and in general societies that had bows used them primarily because they are vastly safer and more effective in hunting scenarios. So you’re already restricting yourself to “if you happen to have a really crappy bow and you’re fighting something really tough up close for some reason you’re better off having a spear”, or “if you want to handicap yourself on purpose to make things interesting you can use a spear instead”. Doesn’t sound like a great foundation for a WoW spec, does it?

Secondly, what do you think WoW specs are? We aren’t underequipped primal newbie Hunters lacking good ranged weapons. We start with an effective ranged weapon. In fact as some races you’re hunting boars right out of the starter cinematic just fine with a bow or a gun. Oh, yeah: we have guns too. Pretty sure they’re effective against boars.

Thirdly, how do grenades come into the picture in your view? Because if Survival is meant to be this primal, underequipped Hunter (a terrible foundation for a WoW Hunter spec to begin with), it sure is throwing a lot of grenades around… while also using a ranged weapon sometimes, but not all the because that would somehow be bad. This is the part the “primal Hunter omg!” crowd likes to sweep under the rug. And before the argument becomes “well I think WFB should be removed!”: it’s the most aesthetically prominent and mechanically strongest part of the spec that’s responsible for most of the spec’s strengths and gameplay engagement, so in fact it’s WFB that should stay and the melee rubbish that should go.

Do you think Survival was continuously overtuned for the entire period between 3.0 and 6.2, a timespan of about 7 years? You’ve continually dodged this point every time it’s brought up, by the way.


What is, “I don’t understand the most played class has the most played specs” for $1,000 Alex.

And yet that doesn’t apply to melee SV…


You’ll get it one day, maybe… Actually I doubt you will. However, at least when the next xpac launches and SV is still melee we can look forward to more of you completely unsupported opinions passed off as facts for a few more years.

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It’s the funnest spec by far. The dynamic aspect of it is a blast

If they gave the whole class back melee weapons, Id feel better playing the whole class again.

Early man used a device called an atlatl, which was a short spear that was designed to be launched at a target from a safe distance. For larger animals they would use a long pointed stick to drive animals off of cliffs.

I merely used boar as an example for spear hunting BEING USED and has been conducted/depicted in myth and practice since Ancient Greek times to the Middle Ages.

Similar situation to boar hunting is bear hunting which was also done with spears.

You also went on tangential rant about bombs/grenades, which have also have existed since 700AD

How is “but people have done it” relevant, if the hunter player base has been rejecting the spec for 3 expansions straight? Should you keep a shunned spec design in place just because “ancient hunters did the same thing!”, thats kind of a weird argument to make for that.


What that old saying about “Don’t Poke The Bear”?

What kind of person uses bombs to hunt? There be nothing left to bring back as food. Dynamite fishing is about the closes you can get with out obliterating your target.

There also Tannerite but that used with firearms, so that would be closer to Explosive Shot which was originally a SV ability.

Obviously man, the most dangerous game.

However I didn’t comment all about bombs, I was just talking about spears.