You gotta try it

I never would have imagined SV Hunter would be the funniest spec in the game. Hands down, the most fun I’ve had playing this game in 10 years.

If you haven’t tried it, you’re missing out.



I like it. Here’s hoping it’s as busted as WW was this patch and people will actually play it.

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You haven’t even levelled to max and we’ve been hearing from SV Hunters shilling for the spec for literal years now. What makes you think your post will be any different? It will remain as one of the least played specs because Hunters by and large aren’t interested in melee combat.


I swear that you run some sort of script that if anyone mentions the words “Survival” and “Fun” you get a multi-platform notification so you can come running in telling them how wrong they are.

The guy is having fun and expressed his enjoyment. People are allowed to do that without you being all Candyman in every Survival discussion.


Well, i hope you do see that the op is an obvious troll.


No I do not. Is this an alt of one of the regulars that shows up in most of the SV “No U” threads?

Don’t have the time or desire to keep track of every user on the forums.


I just came on here to tell my hunter brethren I’m having a good time. Are you ok?

I love how the other guy calls me a troll for literally no reason too :joy:


We’re heading into the Year of the Spear my man. Been playing it since the Legion rework and while I prefer the Legion version of melee hunter, I’m still greatly enjoying it now and 9.2 is looking more and more like SV is gonna do some pretty respectable damage between Venthyr, Dual Leggos, and the set bonus.


LMAO, glad you are enjoying it but coming from a player who has mained a Hunter since BC I can tell you my personal opinion is I will never play SV Hunter as long as it is a melee garbage spec. I don’t jump out of a tree with a Bowie knife to hunt a deer, bear, Moose or wild turkey in real life and I am surely not playing one in game.


You’re also not a tauren in real life… funny how that works.


Yeah I felt the same way until I tried it. At the same time, it’s an extremely polarizing spec. You either love it, or hate it.


I find it fun; I just don’t think it brings anything to the table that warrants bringing it over a ranged hunter.

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wow! never thought i would try survival until seeing this thread so i logged in and plugged my razer naga in just to test it out. and wow it’s bad!


Thats a problem, for sure and one that cant be solved with the way pugging is currently and the animosity between hunter specs.

I likewise dont hunt elephants with a bow.


Nah you right. SV in pvp at least is insanely fun. Anyone here saying otherwise is awful at pvp and can only handle two button BM, or cheese MM.

Either that, or they’re hardstuck somewhere in rat leagues


I love your vibe. You should stream.

Or they don’t like melee hunter? It’s not fun for everyone there turbo. I personally feel it’s super clunky and there’s no flow. Smashing stuff as it comes off cd isn’t exactly big brain. The hardest thing SV has is knowing when to be in melee range and when to kite out. The toolkit makes this annoyingly easy to do vs just about anything.

When I’m bored I play necro SV. It’s literally as much cheese as necro MM when you go crit build.


You wouldn’t hunt an elephant for food anyways. You go after elk, gazelle and smaller prey.