You gotta try it

All things considered, the legion version theme was far better.

Probably more appealing to a larger portion of the playerbase, if they had stuck with it, but I dont think it was needed nor better.

Nah. Gameplaywise current version is supperior in every way, but thrmatics of that one were great. It had the looks and the OOMPH.

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A monster hunter.

Van Helsing.

Martin Brody.

No one even complained about that when it was explosive shot. And wildfire grenades seem pretty clearly to be something like greek fire, or a molotov cocktail. Infusion makes them different, and clusters even moreso, but they are essentially just a firebomb, not exactly high explosive.

I was talking about fantasy vs. reality that what the original topic was on.

SV works on a fantasy bases as your not really hunting for food, but in reality you wouldn’t want to throw a explosive that close to your face.

what do you mean? i go hunting irl all the time. i like to send in my good ol dog first and then throw a GRENADE right on him and our target. works everytime!


Your poor dog.

I go trapping all the time, I put out my explosive trap and fire traps for rabbit. Instant cooked rabbit, first time, every time.

No one is arguing that you can’t have kit items that aren’t 100% for hunting but you can’t just have this appeal to nature for some kit items and not others.

Arguably you could use grenades or incendiary items to drive pray.

Again, no one complains that RSV shouldnt have explosive shot at point blank range, and no one even suggests that ranged AoE should do damage to friendly targets— so the bombs up close talking point always bugs me.

yay this exact thread again. Some of us just don’t like melee. That’s why we play hunter.


The only reason to come to the Hunter forums is to catch up on the latest RSV vs MSV threads.

Love it!


The medeival fantasy hunter is most often not hunting for food. The historic reference is found in the men that inspired Beauty and the Beast’s Gaston. There were real life monters that often plagued villages and rural communities. Plague or famine caused lazy grave digging, which turned opportunistic predators into man-flesh connoisseurs. Hunters were paid large bounties to do kill bears and bring back 12 bear paws type quests. Preserving the meat wasn’t a priority.

Moth to freaking flame; everytime, even me. lol

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Agreed. In my opinion, Survival is funner than both DPS warrior specs that I’ve tried.

In particular, I like Survival’s “Charge” (harpoon) better, and having a talent to reset its cooldown when enemies die make it incredibly fun. Also, “Focus” as a resource allows damage to be front-loaded rather than built up over time (Rage).