You Got what you wanted, dead pvp

You should try Blitz, it has scaling on it.

I have for the quests. Not really different. Still just stunlocked to death. :person_shrugging: Lots of fun, lemme tell ya

Ah gotcha, yeah, control is king in PVP

blizzard my dudes you need to respond to pvpers or else we’re just going to pay for our subscription and post on the forums all day.

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Good idea. Would lead to a lot more queueing/inflation if there was an achievable goal for someone that knows they can hit 2100.

so like rn?

it’s not though, doomer.

I wonder how many did the same as this guy…This is just one guy telling his story


The only ones who don’t respect are the hurt 3v3 elitists, who only know how to say that SoloQ is the worst thing that has ever happened to the game because their preferred mode is no longer played as much because people don’t see the point in going to the trouble of trying to find other ppl and serve as food so that the glads can obtain their seasonal mount.

Basically what you have said is that the only valid and respectable queue is 3v3, that 2v2 and SoloQ are not respectable, I would honestly love to know what kind of bubble elitists like you live in.


What do you mean dead PvP? The queues are popping.

No lol…Solo q has almost 0 coordination and is dominated by fotm classes and its a roll of the dice as to what kind of lobby you’re going to get and none of those things highlight your skill level in pvp.

Most of the players who are 2.4 in solo q have absolutely no clue how to play within a specific comp because most of them are just apes playing fotm classes pressing the w key.

That’s why absolutely nobody respects the Legend title.

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Over 200 servers in wow, retail, classic, etc… On EVERY single server in wow multiple employees are spamming sales 24/7. Multiple organizations competing for customers.

Think about it, all of the Overhead, the accounts, staff, operators in game, websites and even the electricity for all of those computers factor in.

A single ban wave, means thousands more accounts purchased in one day. Blizz likes money.

ancient politicians are possessed

Nobody pvps bc pvp is unfun and bad, also the noobs play solo shuffle for their free 2400

I agree that the elites have a better understanding of pvp class balance, but they have a worse understanding of what will make a thriving pvp community in an MMORPG game.


People dont want a community they want their antisocial SS ques faster

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Bring back hunter deadzone.


I love how Beedie is straight up talking about Blizz and “elitists” in the same way that a certain Austrian painter spoke about a certain group of people back in 30s/40s Germany and no one realizes he’s trolling

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So arguing against corruption in wow means you are a WW2 Dictator haha! I have been to the US memorials in Germany and France when I lived there. I did ma 4 years for college money. Learned a lil history.

Must be the how many think today, any difference of opinion means they are connected to Pre WW2 Germany lol.

Playing devils advocate though I get it… For some players, WoW pvp ratings is their full time job, their main source of income. So anyone opposed to shady money practices could be seen as “the bad guys”.

This is truth!!! Same reason Politicians dont understand cost of living for regular people. ““let them eat cake””