You Got what you wanted, dead pvp

:flushed: :flushed: :face_with_peeking_eye:

No. Gear differential has no place in pvp.


The ELITE players and Blizzard are both on the same page, its WE the players that are left out.

Blizzard CEO Bobby was good at his job making shareholders happy, they made record profits last year, than fired a ton of staff, people w families.

They tune and base the game off of what the 1% elites and streamers think, they dont give two farts about YOU the player, and if you are having fun.

They turned PvP into ALL glads after 1600, if the average player wants rewards they gotta open their wallet. Thats why the Elite players and Blizzard are one in the same.


i haven’t fought any boosters yet this season and casual players are getting 1800/2400 solo shuffle

because we have a better understanding of whats broken but they don’t even balance around the 1% anyway they go of data or the masses crying about sumthing that’s op

being glad from BFA/SL has little relevance to this whole xpac

if they balanced around the 1% rogues would of been gutted years ago

RMT is soo small part of the games played probably .01% of games are maybe rmt the player base just wants easy CR for less games played or they want to be handed things

you can pick up new classes/spec and get 1800 in a few weeks probably they are pretty easy to learn hard to master

this whole xpac they have been catering to casuals solo shuffle no gear ilvl grind for PVP no artifact power grind you just gear and play has been one of the best xpacs in a while for casual pvpers i que 2-3 hours 2-3 days a week and get my seasonal goals

Ok bring back the gear trademill but don’t lock it behind unbalanced arenas.


PvP should never be something you can just throw gold at and become stronger. Thanks but no thanks lmao.

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And thats why the game is going down hill for ten years now.

they say “WE” know better then you kinda language, thats the same language politicians use telling YOU to eat bugs, while they dine on the finest beef steaks lol.

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it is a colossal part of things, at least in EU RBGs.
granted I cannot say if they directly boost for real money, but they boost. in 2 or 3 out of 10 RBGs per day I see groups comprised of 9 players from the same realm and a 10th at random.

it’s alive and well. ban boosting, ban boosters, ban derankers, and you’ll have a healthy playerbase which doesn’t get demotivated when they get trashed by R1s playing at 1400.
Otherwise any reasonable person, however much they enjoy wow pvp, will say “no thank you” and go play one of the counteless games that simply do it better.


Nobody respects legend or 2.4 achievement from solo q.

Do you realize how many people abused ret, boomkin, and or ele when it was ridiculous?

Most people who are 2.1 or above only in solo q fail hard at rated arena, and they tend to have huge egos that are very delicate.

A lot of people already don’t respect the gladiator title.

Do you really want to make it a joke by being attainable through 2s and solo q?

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I got 2400 in SS last season and did 2s with my homie and got to 2100 insanely quick till he had to sell his graphics card for rent. Idk how queing the same gamemode with the same players youll meet in any ladder disqualifies you from being good at another lmao

Ret,dh,casters are not skilled tbh

Rated 2s is a joke.

If I play with a hunter, rogue, or dk its the most brain dead ladder to get 2.1 in.

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Eh i got 2100 as fury and my healer was a disc. Was pretty hard but we made it. Most specs during s2 were insanely busted (and still are) and i would say their rating doesnt count.


Great Post!

But ya see they cant do that
 Just as CEO Bobby and his company made record profits then fired a ton of staff with families to make the shareholders happy. The Elites that play this game are just as filthy and dirty, both are lining their pockets from this games players.

There is a reason they locked down PvP rewards, and 1500cr is Packed w Elites carrying customer, sry, I mean “friends”.

Their remarks in these forums, you can tell they are just thrilled that the player base left pvp.

They would truly rather the game DIE than to get better, I mean, this is how many elites pay the rent lol
 Those 1k glad mounts arent gonna sell themselves ya know lol.

i said we have a better understanding of what is broken because i want them to balance the game so little timmy getting run down by pre nerf rets/dhs and thinking they are awful at the game when its just trash game balance

i don’t boost i play with the same 4-5 people every season for the past 2-3 years besides when i LFG on alts for 1800 sets

your just delusional really if you think you fight boosters/botters every single SS or 3v3 2v2 rbg game

most the boosters i find doing gold boosts to 1600-1800 are 2k players not the “elites”
when you see them post check pvp them i had a guy the other day advertising 2s boost to 1600 man never got past 1900 and wasn’t a new account had achievements from 5+ years ago

so many people have elite now days be it from BFA-DF be it they got better at the game or was a fotm reroller for a month

Why dont you? Really, I want to see it.

CEO Bobby has left the company finally, hopefully the next CEO will make improvements to the game!


Pretty sure no one cares about casuals and lower mmr players getting high ratings.

PvPers want PvEers pvping, they just don’t want pve gear to be bis for pvp.

PvP elitists enjoy gear differentials do they not? Casuals and lower mmr players are the ones that complained about gear differentials.

Your starting points are way off base.

Fried take, though it happens this way even now, e.g., full conquest vs full honor, the unskilled geared player can often beat the more skilled undergeared player.

Again, all this will do is incentivize boosting/rmt, and an unending stream of complaints from players that aren’t good enough to get the max gear, or that are presumably being held back by people who have the max gear/people getting boosted/rmt, etc. :slight_smile:

I agree with you here, but devaluing the existing rewards isn’t the solution.

No one would really care about this aside from perhaps the players that barely manage to get gladiator without the inflation, but we’d still need more participation for the inflation to really matter (e.g., most pvpers, including “elitists” enjoy reaching higher ratings too, and would like this to happen too).


I disagree this is not why pvp is dead. pvp is dead from crap balancing crap game play for healers crap queue times stemming from lack of attention to healers and balancing and overall just blizz taking community suggestions not as they are but putting their own crap twist on it.

for example, we all wanted rated skirmishes basically for solo shuffle not this garbage. rated skirms would allow shorted dps queue times as they can 2v2 as dps/dps and when healers to queue they get in a 3v3. like why it dampening so high as it is at the start of RSS, this again ruins game play for healers thus causing all of these issues.

rated skirms and healer/pds balance and healer game play improvements would of saved pvp imo. but RSS as it is is killing pvp.

If they had just launched battle ground blitz as rated or AT LEAST contribute to the vault and worked on it as they went it would of brought alot this season but its a brawl

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The Last CEO was all about keeping things up for his shareholders, until he could retire and hit the door with all his wealth.

Hopefully the next CEO wants to make a name for him self and improve the game.

I’m sitting in a random bg here as an “almost never PVPer who saw that weekly conquest might get me some champion gear” after getting stunned repeatedly as a 450 ilevel healer and just killed

Why is this fun? Why would I want to do this on a regular basis beyond spawning in the graveyard and hitting autorun so I don’t afk out?

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