You Got what you wanted, dead pvp

if it’s impossible then why can others do it lol

I personally think trying to make WOW arena a Esport was a mistake.


the guy is whack and all but let’s not pretend the planet just spontaneously shifts climates the precise day of a season…

Ron Burgundy in shambles…

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Tbh you have 0 impressive achievs yourself this season


Is pvp dead? …random/epic bgs seem to be doing fine.

Q for some random/epc bgs and have at it. Show us those glad skillz…or whatever.

Just ranked players dooming because we haven’t gotten our free 600 mmr yet.

I hate your post it’s complete nonsense

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A lot of good points in this, but you lost me at gear differentials. Shadowlands’ LAUGHABLE “gear tied to rating” system was the absolute low point of wow PvP (unless you were making real money off the gratuitous boosting) and when DF did away with that, it brought many PvP players back, myself included. I understand progression, I understand wanting to see your character grow and become more powerful, and for PvE that’s fine, BUT in PvP that’s one of the most cooked takes there is. Nothing drives away new players or longtime vets with less free time than when they are younger than the concept of “oh, I got bodied because that person might have been bad, but they play this game 16 hours a day and have all the best gear”. This concept flat out does not work (anyone remember warhammer online and renown levels?)
I would LOVE to see a “battle pass” system, for lack of a better word, added to PvP that just functioned like a seasonal trading post full of new/recolored cosmetics, mounts, toys, tabards, everything. Like the vicious saddle but much more fleshed out.

TLDR; progress and rewards for time invested is a GOOD thing and could benefit PvP greatly but NOT at the expense of player power. Never again SL crap.


I never thought of it like that, yeah you pvp hard, and buy your cosmetics like the trading post system, higher the rating the more points per win. And the Big items are hella expensive might take a player all season. I could get behind something like that!

A system that keeps players are active and queueing up would be a win win! Not the current way where they sit on rating and dont que, or stop after they reached a level, or just because the Loot lottery casino vault gave some a 4 set way ahead of others.

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Exactly. It could at least encourage more ppl to play more of the season instead of the last 2-3 weeks. And you’re right, the more expensive items would take longer but if you were high rated, could be earned faster

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Brotha from anotha Motha, I think you are onto a great idea!

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One of the most idiotic things I’ve read today.


roughly 5% longer… not that serious

We should continue fighting for the elite Ashkandur that was stolen from us and not for something that will never change and we will continue to suffer.

That said, I believe that the gladiator mount should now come down from the throne on which they have it, I am not saying that they give it away with a lower rating, but I think that something should be done so that more people becoming a gladiator and obtaining the mount of each season is not such an exaggerated task, at this moment I see it as an impossible task, and I don’t think it is so much because of my lack of skill, I have faced multiglads and R1 in these last 2 seasons, if not because of laziness which is to obtain 2 other companions who are good and who are willing to face the terrible task of obtaining glad, which, personally, I consider to be the most difficult content in the game, above a CE.

I don’t know how they could make there be more gladiators, you mentioned a mount for the Legend in SoloQ, I think it’s a good idea, Legend is the equivalent of gladiator in this queue, and the toy they give isn’t bad, but it’s certainly not that bad, but it’s not impressive as a mount considering you have to do exactly the same as a gladiator.

Lost cause, my friend :/.

It would be an easy fix too, just add the sword to all dressing room collections if somebody earned elite s2.

I don’t think it needs to come down, I think they just need to add a way to q 3s solo/duo/trio.

For a lot of folks, finding people/lfg is the issue so they turn to RSS. If Blizzard added a dynamic q (solo/duo/trio) I think people would be much happier.

The serpent probably should have been the Legend RSS mount tbh.

The Highland should have been 3s.

Unique mount for each would be more incentive to participate on both brackets.

If it were up to me I would make gladiator obtainable in the 3 arena queues, although it hurts many, 3v3 is in decline, and if SoloQ has more people playing it is precisely because of the problem we mentioned, finding people to score has always been one of the problems of PvP arena, it was evident that SoloQ was going to succeed, I have a friend who told me that if gladiator could be obtained in 2v2 he would work hard to obtain it, since he does not like healing in 3v3, in this sense I think that It could be expanded to more players and made more accessible, not by reducing the rating or requirements, but by allowing it to be obtained in any arena queue.

Now, getting into the topic that has been active in recent weeks, the same thing as S2 is happening, and it is purely because they start trying things with the MMR that don’t end up working out well and cause early season to be a suffering, I personally have stopped scoring because I don’t see the point until they fix it, I reached 2.3k in the second week and from there I played many 3-3 games where I lost MMR, when I won 4-2 I got less than 17 points and By losing 2-4 they took away more than 50 points from me, I fell to 2050, for me this was the breaking point and I left it, it doesn’t seem fun or fair to me, at this point I don’t know how they could solve this problem either, since They keep insisting on carrying out strange experiments with the MMR and insisting that SoloQ must always be below 3v3 when they are 2 very different queues in terms of waiting time, in 3v3 you start playing relatively quickly, while in SoloQ you get queues of 30 minutes up to 1 hour to not get progress really equivalent to the time you have waited.

As a last note, I fully support implementing elite Ashkandur to those who have the Elite S2 achievement or putting it in the seller, I don’t understand why they haven’t done this but they found it easier to create 2 variants for the reward set of 12 months in the trading post.

He’s right though. And for the most part this does happen. Gear>everything else.

Well, it is what it is…

I think rated RBGs next expansion will be awesome fun!

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Bull poop. That was all of us, we all got smashed down at one point, and that was what made us want to keep going, so that we could attain those levels of gear and be the stomper.

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They did, the elites got exactly what they wanted…

There is no pvp player base anymore, its just RMT real money groups, and Elite glads all doing their thing.