I don’t think this is really the case. People advocating for higher mmr come from all rating backgrounds. The only people hard against it seem to be the barely get glad here and there crew. Cutting edge despite 10% of guilds achieving it at some points is still considered very prestigious just shy of rwf and rank 1 m+. Maybe if they made this change you could reliably get glad every season which you should and not cheese rank 1 tank titles because let’s be honest you don’t do it because you enjoy griefing shuffles you do it because it feels rewarding to get the title. Regardless either they will or they won’t increase mmr if they don’t participation will never increase and pvp will continue to die. So be it m+ ain’t bad
Higher mmr won’t do anything besides diminish the rewards; you might as well just lower the cr of each overall instead.
Aka: Make the game easier.
Now, if you wanted to artificially inflate mmr while having the static ratings of the rewards scale with that; I’d be all for it.
I don’t care about RSS so I play prot for fun if I get a title woohoo? I literally got it last season after qing like 20 matches last night of season because I had nothing better to do after getting elites on alts I wanted & gladiator.
If I want the gladiator mount, I usually get it besides a few mishaps that have happened since SL so, weird dig but sure.
Regardless, even if I wasn’t good enough to get a title/gladiator (meaning I hadn’t gotten it before or wanted a mount that couldn’t get) I wouldn’t want Blizzard to artificially inflate mmr for me just to be able to earn it.
Quit asking for handouts.
Don’t care, got mog.
If anything I’ve done the exact opposite of dig at you. I pointed out you are a player who should consistently get glad and that you don’t grief shuffles for fun but rather to get a title which you denied but I doubt. The numbers have been laid out the studies have been done I can link you one if you care but I’d assume you don’t; the most successful seasons of pvp and I quote “ Some conclusions
In total it seems some of the most popular / rewarding seasons / most Gladiators ( in terms of player count) where the ones with highest inflation ( or Rating distance between R1 players and normal players) , long duration and high start MMR ( BFA S4 and SL S2”
It’s like if every season was SL s2 or bfa s4 participation wouldn’t run into the problems it does at the current time. Rank 1 players don’t care as they have continuously been vocal about for the most part. Glad well obtainable still isn’t “easy” it took an above average player to get.
I promise you, the only time I q RSS is to do something I find fun (Prot) or cap my warriors. The titles were accidental lol, I didn’t sit there and sweat it if anything they’re hilarious.
It’s the same reason I play SMF Fury Warrior over Titan’s Grip; obviously TG is better but playing weird/off-meta stuff is enjoyable to me.
Yes, people like handouts.
Ofc participation overall was higher who wouldn’t want a discount mount/title?
As I stated above obviously you make gladiator easier to obtain; it’s the same mentality as having a discount sale for Blizzard store.
‘Oh $17 isn’t as bad as $25, I’ll get that transfer’
‘Oh 2400 + 50 wins isn’t as bad with mmr being as high as 3500 atm, I’ll get that mount’
To clarify, I don’t think there should be an mmr cap but I don’t think Blizzard should be pumping in 100 mmr per month just to get people to PvP.
If people want mmr just to get the satisfaction of progressing, have the static rewards scale with the ladder every Tuesday that way there isn’t 3500 rank 1s & 2400 gladiators.
Well they pretty much have exhausted every other option brought up to increase participation and it failed so I guess we are just at a crossroad whether making glad a bit more obtainable is worth it. Will see
No they haven’t, they haven’t added a way to make 3s more accessible to people.
What is mmr currently 400ish behind some season at this time. Make 3s as accessible as you want when people come in at 1600 getting stomped out by duelists playing ret/war,tsg and splay they leave faster than they arrived.
The problem is that people have gotten used to being x or y rating within ‘inflated’ seasons so when a ‘normal’ season comes along, they panic because they’re, as you said, 400 rating lower than the last season.
Every season starts out slow, it’s only been out for a month & Blizzard came out & said they haven’t capped mmr.
Let people play for a while, see where mmr goes (obviously they said they’d add a little inflation) then revisit it to see if the problem persist (this literally happened last season, I qd maybe 3-4 RSS on my boomy at end of season before being 2200 mmr & getting 1800 for elite).
The problem I’m finding lies with people having a ‘no I want it now!’ attitude rather than letting the seasons play out; people have no patience.
This is why I still think % titles are a better system.
Side-note: I truly believe you’d see a lot more participation if there was a way to completely forego LFG & just press q be it with a friend (or two) or solo.
That still remains the biggest barrier for people & 3s.
P.S: As far as the rank 1s go, ofc they don’t care they only want their seasonal gladiator titles. If Blizzard made the seasonal gladiator title a static rating of say 2700 +50 wins while having mmr inflate up to 3500, they’d have an issue with it too.
Pvp being dead has notching to do with gear differentials and has everything to do with rating/class balance
I agree, the equipment improvement needs to be returned, but not as much as in SL, but only 30% of what it was.
Those who write about balance do not yet understand how good the balance is now, if there had been no improvement in equipment in SL and activity was as it is now, you would be killed in 1 second, there was no balance in SL.
LMAO oh my god, yes, nothing gets CASUAL PLAYERS playing like having to be 26 ilvls behind 2100 players.
OP profile pic:
Make rating % based. not numbers that don’t mean the same thing season to season
PVE player moment.
hey now not even I think this is a good idea
The irony of this is that I’ve actually seen PvP players on WoW streams and on various forums making wishes for tournament style realms where you just log in on a max level character, buy all the gear at the vendors, and just PvP all day with zero RPG investment.
They didn’t though?
Nobody cares if PVE players do PVP - that’s never been an issue. What has been an issue, though, is when PVE gear is BiS in PVP.
Yeah… that wasn’t the “Elitists” whining about that. I mean, why would they?
I really do think it’s a bit unfair to blame the current state of PVP on whoever you happen to call the “Elitists” - presumably, everyone better than yourself.
This is especially comical when you take into consideration the fact that DF PVP has been (relatively) casual-friendly - certainly it’s been more casual-friendly than “Systemlands” PVP ever was!
Oh, you’re one of those guys - the guys who pretend they care about the state of PVP, but are really just salty they can’t out-gear player skill like they can out-gear a dungeon.
I think there’s a common two-word response for this…
Eh, there are definitely quite a few people here who constantly whine when more than a thousand people hit glad.
Define “Quite a few.”
Considering there’s like 20 people on here these days and there’s like 5 who like to whine about glad not being % anymore, idk, that’s a decent chunk if you just go by the forums.