"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

I like using higher level gear to farm older content for transmogs and stuff so I don’t NEED the gear but it certainly makes them much easier especially when I can’t get help. Also it’s nice to have higher gear for when I do group content as I’m planning to in DF.

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Maybe that is because the way it was implemented, open world players, with the highest gear they could get, could not do it because of tuning! If you are talking about mage tower, then you are right, why? Because the only players able to complete it without trying 500 times were players decked out in “current” content grouped ilvl gear. For the open world player to do it, we had to go farm old butt gear so we could “cheese it” to get it done, because our highest open world gear was a joke!

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Even if you are right wouldn’t that be because, at least in part, you have way better gear?

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Nothing you said here was true, lol.

Are we talking about old or current mage tower?

If it’s old mage tower, by the end of the xpac most anyone who was interested in completing it was able to complete it due to how much better argus gear was. I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with it taking longer for casual players to complete something.

If it’s current mage tower, your ilvl is scaled so higher end players don’t have much of an advantage in that regard.

Because when the open world is an ounce difficult you have people flooding the forums complaining that the mobs need to be nerfed.


Wasn’t even the gear, beat it on a freshly leveled character, it was the massive power of your artifact at that point.


The higher ilvl players had the right stats, raid trinkets, and just so much better itemized gear. It helped them a lot. I am talking about current mage tower.

I could not get the bear one done on my alliance account until i went back to legion and farmed the raids to get the gear, trinkets, gems and enchants to finally beat the boss.

I should not have had to go farm old content, to complete new content. I put that right on the nose of blizz.

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Where you looking in a mirror when you typed this ?

I’m sorry you don’t get Cypher gear is what Ion meant. What you claim he’s “putting in in the future” is what you’re already getting : Archivist 6/6 upgrades, Cypher gear, Benthic Gear, the future Storm Sigil gear.

If you didn’t like it before, you still won’t like it in patch 10.1, 10.2.

That requires you to get BoP mats from raids and high end dungeons.


Yeah a whole 25 players using a bunch of alts!

Those people definitely do not represent all open world players.

No but it’s a part of that group. There are players believe that the difficulty should remain the same and they should be able to acquire Mythic gear slowly over time because to them time = effort therefore they should have access to that level of gear. Regardless, this request to have the open world be at Mythic level is in the minority because the casual crowd will just complain about it in mass and say that the game is continuing to cater to the top 1%. So no this isn’t a good idea


so the Titles, mounts, pets, mogs, mats etc arent enough. must be pretty crappy content.

There’s massively more pets and mounts in ZM than Sepulcher.

What would you consider open world content and relative to raiding gear, what would the power be?

I don’t think it about what’s needed. If you put in near the same effort, you deserve close to the same reward. Doesn’t have to be the same, but close

Yeah but like… that’s a big, big, BIG if. We’ve never seen anything in the open-world that is comparable and the Andys shout down challenging solo content like Visions.

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No it does not. Please go learn the game. I know it is hard for someone like you who pays to win in wow, but it does not require it to fly, or the crafting system. You will be able to make very strong stuff without it.

God it would be a full time job teaching you the basics. LMAO

You clearly need to learn more.

Yes it does.

Sorry you had to learn it from me.

You’re in for a massive surprise.

I love BoP from raids and dungeons, because you’ll have to pay me to get them.

Its hilarious that this is your only argument and it fails everytime. Just because people are better than you doesnt mean they bought it rofl


It’s like a squire telling a knight how to hold a sword.

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