"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Why not simply make Mythic or Heroic Level overworld content?


I do miss the Fel Reaver roaming around and one shotting innocent bystanders


Let’s not continue this lie that every open world player wants Mythic raiding gear to rile up the masses, please.

Open world players want engaging content with a meaningful progression system that keeps them engaged long term. For me, that was a Korthia type ranking system for my gear. I got to choose the pieces and upgrade the ones I wanted to. I didn’t continually throw away one ilevel to get another ilevel with stats I didn’t want, which is what I hated about ZM.

That doesn’t need to be Mythic level gear.

As for creating Mythic or Heroic level content…

I think you’ll see more complaining that they can’t solo it, because many open world players solo their content.


This is in refference to the oft touted line of “If you don’t raid why do you want raid level gear” which the obvious answer is “because every player wants number to go up” and for anyone who just does world content that number stops pretty fast.

Well duh, I’m thinking stuff that isn’t meant to be solo’d. But also doesn’t need the strict scheduling that raiding requires.

Something along the lines of Guild wars 2 Map metas, basically


And most would probably say that’s what M+ is for.

But there was talk of why Blizz didn’t create Fated questing areas in ZM during S4 to give open world something to do.


Yes, more incentive to farm PvP gear.


Because challenging content isn’t what most solo players desire, and that’s why they do solo content. We all know how Proving Grounds and Mage Tower went over for most people.

They’ll probably experiment with more difficult world content eventually here and it’ll be heavily complained about, unfortunately, which I think is a shame because the idea of challenging solo content seems like a fun idea.

  1. One of the foundations of RPG design is that rewards must be commensurate to the challenges involved.
  2. Every time Blizzard tries to make world content that is even SLIGHTLY challenging, the playerbase revolts because “it’s too hard”. (Northeastern Suramar, The Maw, Broken Shore, etc.)

That’s why.


People seem to be conflating Overworld content with Solo Content and I have to make this disctinction Clear: These are not the same.

Mage Tower and Brawlers guild are solo content but not Overworld Content. World Bosses are Overworld content, but are mostly just giant loot pinatas.

Like, what if the current Elemental invasion but given more polish.


A world boss that can be zerged with 300 people is not challenging.

(Except for your CPU.)


Sometimes when I’m in a group/raid of people waiting for a rare or something, I use the fel reaver toy you can get from Doomwalker to see if it scares anyone :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


As a time limited event the Elemental Invasion is fine because people will be doing it during that time period. However, if it was made into some permanent world content it would end up being impossible to do at some point because players would eventually move on from it. World content needs to take the players moving on factor into account.


I played TBCC at launch, and I was getting war flashbacks every time I’d hear that mechanized roar lmao


Me too. Those were some good memories. And I see that you changed your mog, Raizul. Looks good. :blush:


This is not a bad idea actually.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


I love the idea of expanding upon difficult open-world content. Anything more than a weekly world boss that’s dead in 2 minutes please :rofl:


Indeed!! And ty :heart: It’s basic, but I’ve always loved this set. I actually enjoy most of the sets from Cata, which is nice since they’re so easily obtained

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Because people complain about difficulty.

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The playerbase as a whole overwhelmingly complains about it, though, every time it’s tried. I don’t expect anything even slightly challenging in the open world any time soon.

Eventually Blizzard will hire new people and the institutional memory will be gone and they’ll try it again, though. That’s what keeps happening, with Blizz.

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I agree with everything thallia said apart from zm gearing was a huge step up from korthia
Korthia gearing was a nightmare at times.
Youd spend a couple weeks upgrading a bit of gear and then the game would give you the same gear but with bonus stats and a socket and your hard work was undone.
Ideally id like to not do that again since they already made a better alternative.

But everything else was spot on.