"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Having Elite world areas that are just brutal, like classic used to with places like Jintha’alor, Stromgarde Keep or Jaedenar, would indeed be pretty cool. But then you’d have swathes of people complaining they need a group to go there and can’t solo those areas.

Not in DF you don’t. Nothing higher than LFR.

No, that is now what “Open World Players” want. We do not want some slog fest that takes months just to get a piece of hilariously junk gear.

Your thinking is what made the blueprints for Korthia and ZM gearing. Which are both absolutely horrible.

It also is the reason why people needed to grind Renown on their mains and alts due to World Quest gear item level being locked behind it. Like rubbing salt in an open wound.

You can snooze through LFR and get better gear 10x quicker than the slog-fest of ZM and get the worst gear in the game.

So, NO, that is not what we want.

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It’s good rhetoric. I’ll be interested to see if they follow through on it in 11.0, since it’s very much not a part of 10.0.

Heck, they even had better gear progression and nerfed it.

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Please explain how LFR gives better loot than normal raid?

Timers are bad in an MMO RPG. There, I said it.

There are ways to increase difficulty that don’t rush you through content.


Ion also said that not giving solo players a gearing path in S4 was a HUGE mistake, that they will not repeat in the future!!

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One thing they have not historically done a good job of is challenges that aren’t gear dependent. Mage tower and Torghast both required gear from external sources to have a good shot at completing them, with raiding gear making the encounters relatively trivial.

It’s not enjoyable for a solo focused challenge to be based on how much raid gear you’ve farmed for progression.

In that way, proving grounds were much better.

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did people actually not like zm? i swear zm was a sick zone in s3, s4 obviously it’s stale but still i loved the zone

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ZM doesn’t reward normal raid level gear. It rewards gear on par with heroic dungeons.

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You people really hate being told that people hate Pugging Mythics.

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So make friends instead.


LFR, walk in and be able to roll on 265+ gear which does not take that long to do 3 bosses.

Cypher gear, slog through gaining 3700 Cyphers and dealing with a multitude of time gating all for… 252 gear.

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ZM does award normal gear. 252 is normal raid gear.

What ilvl was LFR in season 3 vs ZM gear?

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S3 LFR was 239-246.

Not in S4. Normal raid gear is 285, with heroic dungeons dropping 249 gear.


Ok so ZM when it was new, was like 10 ilvls behind lfr?

Cypher gear is S3 gear.

It was ahead. 252 was normal Sepulcher gear in S3.