"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

They do far more than any of us. There is a reason why their profits now are nearly double what they were when the game had 12m subs.

Well I mean, maybe I am a whale idk? Either way. Point being, it’s not just players paying for their sub keeping the game going by a long shot.

But open world content requires almost no gear and almost no skill. Why do you want tier sets?

If you want to make open world content seriously difficult and reward it appropriately then there’s an argument there, but if you just want free gear then sorry, I gotta disagree.

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If that was true they wouldn’t be taking everyone’s playstyle into account going into DF.

No special treatment or majority stakeholders anymore from a design perspective.

If you can do it in the open world with 25 strangers in a pug finder group then it isn’t mythic or heroic level difficulty. More HP doesn’t make something heroic or mythic. More HP + overcoming mechanics is heroic or mythic level difficulty.

If you can at that point find an organized group to do open world content then it really doesn’t matter if it is open world content or not.

For example if you put heroic jailer out in the open world it doesn’t mean 25 unskilled people can take him down. And the problem with open world free loot bosses is that if you have people abusing sharding enough with group invites you can get 100 people or more easily on the same shard to trivialize the boss. But once again, that is not heroic or mythic difficulty. That’s called cheesing mechanics.

There is no real way to make true heroic or mythic level content without it being behind an instance where the max number of players is controllable.

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Random doesn’t imply fairness. Random implies random, like a mixed bag.

I mean, Everquest used to, but that’s because they had no shards and no instances. If The Statue of Zek was up then you went and tried to take him down with 40 or 50 people if you could muster them. Even if it meant calling them to wake them up at 4am… because if you wiped or missed it then another guild would swoop in and take it out.

That’s why instances were invented in the first place; so that everyone would have a chance.

Oh, and most of these open world bosses had spawns times of 3-7 days.

yeah if world content scaled to ILVL …i can see the tears

It’s impossible to take everyone’s playstyle into account.

if anything wow did right is creating content that was “tag” friendly (vanilla dragons was a good example of what its wrong ) , the last game i played that had that was FFXI and oh boy the amount of CLAIM BOTTING was insane…JP had the upperhand thanks to being close to server…so ppl had claim bots in order to claim HNMs

Well focusing on one type isn’t going to work either.

seems to have worked fine so far. :joy:

They’ve never focused on only one type.

Not anymore it seems.

have you… have you not seen dragonflight? i think you’re going to be very disappointed by its world content :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

There is no shift in focus in DF. It is literally the same thing it has always been without the perpetual grinds we have had the last few expansions.

Will wait and see. I haven’t spoiled much of the expansion myself.

If they are expecting something new and exciting then yeah, we are going to have some pretty disappointed people 24 hours from now.

Ok then, I would really advise tempering your expectations though.

I always have Classic to play worse come to worse.

Fair enough. :slight_smile: