"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Would it really kill any of you to show some kindness to your fellow player?

Blizzard is trying to do better for all of us no matter our playstyle and yet so many are spouting “have you seen DF” or “we are going to have some pretty disappointed people 24 hours from now”.

We won’t know what happens with DF until tomorrow even then at the latest patch 10.1 or .2 to see if they kept their word, they are wanting to improve yet so many want to jump down solo players throats and as usual talk down to us.

Why not cut this “Us Vs. Them” mentality bullcrap and accept we all pay to play the game our own way and the more certain players keep refusing to even acknowledge solo players exist is going to keep pushing us away.

You raiders keep lamenting how no one wants to raid with you well maybe change your attitude towards solo players and stop treating us like crap then maybe we would but when you all act so toxic towards us why would we want anything to do with you.

I read on here just today how we as players should all unite against Blizzard and see that they do indeed keep their word either in solo play or mythic or pvp or whatnot.

Solo play has been a part of this game since the beginning, and nothing will change it but if some of you don’t like us solo players then WOW isn’t the game for you.

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How is warning people mean? Should I instead be saying “Oh you will totally love it, you should go ahead and go buy a 12 month sub?!” Being honest with people is not mean.

Jesus Christ some people…

Being honest with players is all fine but the way some things have been said is what I am trying to get at here.

Telling someone you will be disappointed in 24 hours from now, yet we don’t even know what is going to happen in patch 10.1 or .2 is not being honest or warning anyone.

Who knows maybe Blizzard will keep their word to solo players we will cross that bridge when we get to it but “warning” people when we don’t even know anything isn’t right.

I didn’t say they were going to be disappointed in 3 months though, I said they would be disappointed in 24 hours: And they will if they are expecting some magical thing that focuses less on group content and more on solo content because that does not exist. Will it exist at some point? Maybe, but that doesn’t change what I said. If I were in the position, I would far rather someone be upfront about what was coming so that I didn’t waste my time and money on something that would not appeal to me.

I’d be fine with mythic gear dropping in the open world if the difficulty is similar to a mythic raid boss. The question is, how do you make solo open world content that is mythic raid difficulty and also balanced so every spec can solo it? The answer is, you can’t, unfortunately.

Thing is no one who plays solo is even expecting a miracle right now we know this will take time and are willing to wait till 10.1 or .2 to see what happens.

We have been through this rodeo many times as solo players which is why when Blizzard said what they said we got hope but also knew it wasn’t going to be right away.

so you are saying that LFG numbers are inflating the actual numbers of people raiding. maybe they should get rid of lfg and look if raiding content is used by enough people. Since LFG isnt really raiding.

Adjust raids so they dont need that higher ilvl gear. Raiders would need to learn the mechanics to win. add buffs from the gear that help them in raids, but no increase in ilvl. Do the same with pvp. That way you dont need 3 sets of gear.

citation required

The fact he really believes this makes me LOL so hard. Blizzard tells you it is false, the numbers also prove you wrong. Yet, you keep spewing this lie. LMAO

I mean everytime people prove you wrong. you always cry about the source and ignore the math.

Solo players matter just as much as raiders. In fact it is a balance. If you don’t have a good key elements in all aspects of gameplay you don’t have a good mmo.

To say solos are a minority show me the proof of that? because even Blizzard stated when they had amazing dungeons and raids, but no world content. It was a failure. Aka WOD. Blizzard understands more than you. Yet, time and time again you keep calling them liars.

I mean we soloers do use LFR. So I guess that counts as raiding right?


When mage tower first came out, so many people cried that it was way too difficult and unfair. too many players want free high level loot for content a little more challenging than a world quest of “kill 10 rabbits”

According to GD it is raiding so you can’t have it count as raiding and not count towards the numbers.

Thanks for proving you didn’t comprehend their idea.

And no you would still need three sets of gear because of stats.

So please stop proving you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Game design proves what the three actual pillars are.

Achievement trackers prove how many people are doing raiding in some context.

Link please.

Link them then.

It’s impossible as no one has proven me wrong :+1:

Wow has really bad gearing design. They should learn from Elder Scroll Online how gear works, and how much professions should influence gear. Why? Because if someone wants to get good yea twitch professions they should be able to do that without doing hardest content.

Elder Scroll Online lets you upgrade a questing item to legendary quality. By that players can do whatever they want how ever they want.

Wow redesigned professions but still to craft highest quality gear you have to farm mythic or hardest content. So drops the professions down the drain.

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Watch the video with preach? The fact that you even ask for a link is silly.

Also I linked videos showing you the math, and you deflect. Proving you wrong has been easy all this time, yet you refuse to listen.


I used to panic when I seen the ground shake and hear it coming… Frantically looking around trying to find where its at…


I am pretty sure if I put a blood pressure cuff on just thinking about the sound would make my pressure go up.


I’m not watching a video. Link the actual source.

You linked a Bellular video. That’s just barely better than linking an asmongold video.

So go play ESO instead of trying to turn WoW into something it’s not.