"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

I mean sure, but they never did that at the rate they have before.

Blizzard is well known for years to not admit they messed up. The fact that they come out and say they failed solo players. Speaks volumes. The old Blizzard would deflect, the concerns.

Do we believe Blizzard? Nope, but it would be dishonest to say that when it comes to talking to players, and looking inside of why they do things, what they are thinking, and the plans in the future. They have been more clear about it than ever.

That shows just how much of a impact we had on the sub drop.

To be blunt, all of that is irrelevant to me. I’ve seen too many decisions they’ve made where they’ve ignored the playerbase. It doesn’t speak volumes to me because I’ve seen it time and time again. And even if this was their first time admitting it, that doesn’t all of a sudden erase the past.

Also them reacting to the potential sub losses in this way, even if they do produce a good product, only showcases to me that that is the only way to communicate to Blizzard to change their ways. And that’s not a good relationship.

For example, I and many other PvPers shouldn’t have had to go 2 expansions begging Blizzard to return the vendors. Because anyone with half a brain would know that that was the bread and butter of gearing up for over a decade. Basic communication, which even came from their own Esports hosts would’ve indicated that it was a bad idea and would’ve at least made a return within a patch. Instead we got a bunch of BS excuses like “for casuals they would have a hard time even finding the vendor”

Things like that spell out to me that they couldn’t give a rats behind about what the player want and creating a fun, engaging experience. Now it’s only about money :man_shrugging:t6:

How much of that was lfg. which didnt get the mount. Neckbeard raiders have been trying to kill LFG for years.

There’s this large disconnect where it’s like, you either do one or the other, right?

I’ve always been a solo player, and I’ve always been a raider
 well, except for Shadowlands.

I’d raid my two nights a week, and then I’d play solo outside of that which was like 80% of my play time. I honestly want reasons to do both.

Ive often said we need world sets of tier, like you get from raids. Make raid gear work for raids. Pvp for pvp. Make world tier work in the open world content.
Everyone could focus on their own desired game play.

3 different sets of gear to keep up with? Sounds like a headache :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Really no different than original vs PVP gear. I know, a little more than i wish to push on people

I believe it is. Keep in mind there are multiple builds people are running too for certain scenarios so it’s not just putting on 1 set of gear and that’ll fulfill all of your needs. Primarily in both Raiding and M+. The bag space needed would be mind numbing.

I do agree. But at least having the options would be nice.

Doesn’t matter. Lfg shouldn’t have awarded the mount to begin with.

It was also stats from 9.2 not 9.2.5.

No thank you. I already have bags full of gear. I don’t want even more sets to take care of.

I think punishing people for playing multiple faucets of the game to make people who play one minor window of the game is absurd.

The world is not minor. Raiding is minor. Stop all raid gear.

Raiding mplus and pvp are primary endgame pillars. Solo play is not.

People who play solo and refuse to play the entire game are a minority.

I mean, you repeat a lie enough, you might actually come to believe it. We are legion. You are not.

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You dont need it but it makes blowing thru menial trash MOBs in the world a lot easier and less time consuming

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I think having the options to that degree would just turn into bloat and might be more overwhelming than anything to a player who likes playing multiple avenues of the game. I just don’t see how the open world could equate to anything more than Normal raid ilvl due to how much of a pushover it is. And like I’ve pointed out earlier in the thread there have been multiple instances when casuals and solo players were presented with a semi wall, that being a new zone with mobs that actually hurt or solo content like Mage Tower, who then flood the forums saying it’s not fair and they’re catering to the “1%”

I think it’d be a lose-lose situation if Blizz gave strong gear just for playing Jenga in a WQ or if they made mobs hard enough that the casual crowd couldn’t just bulldoze it over.

It’s not a lie. I’m sorry you can’t deal with the reality.

Solo players should be happy they get even normal raid gear and set bonuses.

You should be happy we keep this game going. Cos you dont. Keep us happy or we leave, and you have no game at all.

Actually the whales do far more for the game than casuals at this point :man_shrugging:t6:

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Considering how minority solo players are you’re not keeping anything afloat.

Raiders and their raid sales are what’s keeping the game afloat.