"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

This is an mmo. If you want equal gear that’s what rated BGs are for.

Rated BGs take hours to form and minutes to disband.
Not an option for solo players.

i said why in that same post

About RBGs

we ask for better content for us not just trivial stuff.

like we could have hard mode stuff for wq like affixes on each ww. things like that, but nooo all the dev work feels that goes towarss stupid instances

the 18 yo worls they crafted feels empty devoid of what it once had. soulless, and we need to change it

No they don’t.

Solo players don’t play BGs or rated BGs so this doesn’t apply to them anyways.

Solo players play BGs.
And yes, PuG rated BGs take forever to form.

No they don’t. Solo players don’t play group content. Random BGs are group content.

By definition you aren’t a solo player.

Never had any issues when I pug RBGs.

And ZM supports a massively larger percentage of the player base. It should have a larger support than a raid that is only content for a small percentage of customers.

In 9.2 over 60% of the player base partook in the raid atleast once.

So false.

Ok now show us how small the player base is. Saying 60 percent did it, when most of the soloer players and such left the game cause ion admits failing on keeping us.

Please show me the numbers. Saying more people raid or do mythic whatever, when the pop is lower than normal is not a victory.

Doesn’t matter. What matters is the majority of the player base participated in raids in 9.2.

I never said mythic. Please try to keep up.

That does matter. If half of the player base or more left because of how bad Shadowlands is.

Simple math kiddo. Like keep up here. Of course tons of people tried raiding because most of us took a break, and the people who are left did group content and had more to do.

Common sense guy. LMAO

You’re making an assumption. Please cite the numbers.

You don’t even realize the numbers are from season 3 not 4. Most raiders took breaks in season 4 because of how trash a season it was.

Nowhere did I cite specific numbers of the current player base. Just a percentage of who played xyz content.

So are you.

Season 4 had the best. Season 3 and 2 numbers came out and showed both raiding and mythic dungeons was at its worse.

Math has been done. Sure this last season a bump came up but if you really think Blizzard is happy with the sub count. That is cute.

The fact Ion came out and admit he failed players like myself and want to do better shows that a huge drop off happen.

Snozay please, get your facts right.

Because you’d have to phase people based on world difficulty. If we’re gonna go that route we might as well just become Destiny, max 10 players or whatever per shard, to maintain difficulty for content that’s not meant to be overcome by bringing more bodies.

And then suddenly it’s tough to call it an MMO.

No I’m not. I clearly stated that 60% of the players participated in raiding in some capacity. I never said they were raiders or mythic raiders. I only said they partook in the content.

That’s not an assumption. It’s backed by achievement data.

Season 4 was awful lol

Bellular isn’t even remotely credible.

Yes he is.

He showed how he got the numbers, and the facts on it. Season 4 had more people doing said content.

You can say what you want about Bellular, but when he shows you the math and how he got it. You can’t complain.

The numbers don’t look good. So saying 60 percent of people tried it means nothing because if the player count is super low. That is not a good sign for the game.

If you think the game pop is doing so well, Why would Ion come out and say sorry to solo players, and start having a total change of heart with streamers, and talking to them. Even going as far as to admit they messed up is a huge thing from Blizzard.

I’m sorry but raiding and mythic dungeons not enough to carry a mmo.

I never read the discussion, just replying to the topic,

I do need Mythic gear for world content because it makes it more fun and less work.

I pay money to PLAY a game, not do digital chores and stress about how long it takes because I am undergeared.

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From my PoV it’s just a PR stunt to get people to play. One of the main things they’ve said every expansion is “We want to improve our communication with the players so we can deliver a better product” only to ignore all the feedback they were given by Alpha testers in SL and plug their ears for multiple patches on blatant issues. Then Ion came out to try and reassure everyone by basically lying to them. At this point I’m not sure how anyone can take Blizzards word seriously.