"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Yeah, in theory sure, but that’s not how the community views it. I could play a feral in S2, out DPS the “META” and perform better than that player on a skill level, and it wouldn’t mean jack. The game is all about gate keeping via ilvl. The Meta chase, the Ilvl grind its all meaningless really. Its work with no reward, because at the end of the day you don’t get to keep your gear. You can, but by the next time the expansion rolls out it’ll be worth less than the new gear. If I wanted to be on a hamster wheel for infinity, it might be worth while. But I’d personally rather work on achievements, and less on the grind to get entry. Ain’t nothing wrong with what they’re saying.

In fact people are so tired of the grind, because they realize its a waste of time. They rather go do achievements that aren’t removed each expansion.

Your reward is being stronger and being able to do harder and harder content, is the natural progression of the game. Gear serves as a mean to “nerf” content and easy way to feel your progress week by week as bosses and keys get easier the more gear you get.

That is why WQ dont need more than normal ilv, there is nothing harder that requires more gear.

That is a reward in itself, not the gear. You can be heroic geared like the guild I was in on Stormrage and be Mythic Ready and still be incompetent. Me and another healer (friend) managed to complete H SOD on our own with another group and not Mythic ready, while they never got their final sylvanas kill. But that is the point.

It really holds no value, because everyone is doing it for gear, not for fun alone, in fact more fights break out over gear than not. I don’t see the point in the barrier, if not to make the minority feel special about themselves for having spent 18hrs x 30 days grinding for BIS gear, 540 hours in total, only to then to farm more BIS Gear at a lower rate. The gear grind just ain’t worth it, because it goes out the window by the next season, then the next season, and by the time its ready for the new expansion its all meaningless.

If the concept wasn’t a fallacy it would be true. People do WQ because they rather do WQ than grind 540 to 2,000 + hours to be acceptable in content. That is like a job.

Personally I’ve been satisfied with the options given to us.

I played a pure casual Demo lock on EU.

(no M+ done, no rated PvP)

Through what I could buy with gold, casual pvp, LFR and weekly quests. At the end I ended up decently geared

Yes i do, because it is a rpg. I like becoming stronger. The need and desire comes from getting stronger, while doing content I ENJOY.

To say you don’t need to be strong for said content is just silly in itself. Like Ion said.

idk man i feel like there’s enough solo content and solo que and lfg already sucking the life force out of this game which used to force people to communicate to achieve things, then thru that forced communication you found good friends, now i very rarely do

I had more friends, and it was much easier to make them when servers matter more.

The problem is, The people I enjoy hanging out with and would do content with. Blizzard has neglected them over the years, So we don’t stick around. I’m glad Ion openly admits he has let us down, but he has ruined my social circle because of it.

You do know he’s openly admitted to failing players for at least the last eight years, right? This isn’t some new revelation he’s having, it’s just more lip service.

Was that the pvp conversastion?

As a (mostly) solo player, IDGAF about ilvl as long as it doesn’t bleed into BGs.
Since it does, soloers must have some way to get mythic ilvl as well, since BGs are supposed to happen on a balanced playing field, unlike World PvP, and unrated PvP gear is a huge joke.

The last time PvP gearing was done right was in freaking WoD.

He rarely comes out and talks about solo players, and a crafting revamp+flying at the start is well a good start for an expansion.

Because your attitude about gear is dated. People are calling it “mythic and heroic level gear”, but mythic+ spit in that mentalities’ eye. He’s asking for relevant content for all. Not a full set of gear off one roaming world boss, but one relevant and then a low drop chance for high quality profession mats? Who knows? I don’t care personally, but I’ve played for a long time pugging and I can imagine that would be spicy for a strictly solo player.

They have the same opportunity as everyone else, they can do higher content for higher ilvl gear. Stop thinking you deserve to be in equal gear for doing trivial content when someone else does content that takes coordination, skill, and dedication.

Yes, two things I really want.

If you are going to make solo progression a grind. Make it worth said grind and shorten the end game gap for it. They said they are going to do that. Might not be at the start of DF, but I am sure future content will lessen the gap if Ion keeps his word.

The second thing is. Let me keep my gear that I grinded for longer. It blows getting all that power with grinding the solo way, for the next patch to come out and we got to do it again, but some how even worse. We don’t get to keep what we earned long enough.

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So pvpers need to do mythic to have an edge? That is stupid. I don’t pvp, but I would be upset if I had to do pve content just to compete in pvp.

Each path should have its own progression and end at the same point imo.

Like I said, if you gonna make a PVP (random BG) game, which implies fairness, gear ilvl should not have the weight it does today.

Leave ilvl wank for rated games.

As for “coordination, skill, dedication”, you know that it is almost never balanced in a team game. Someone is always being carried.

You could have more of these in solo challenges, as proved by horrific visions and Mage tower.

We all hoped Torghast would be it. Too bad it wasn’t.

Because everytime mobs start taking more than a couple of gcds to kill people go into forum rants.

out world players dosent want mythic gear from the get go. we too enjoy progressions sistems. khorthia was better that the stupid sistem they put in place on ZM.

khortia was simpler, nicer with less hoops to kump trough. more khorthia less ZM. on player power at least.

ZM was grest for unñocling the zone and getting cool utility

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why do you think lfg and lfr suckes the life od this game?

Which one?