"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Give it time.

All major MMOs would disagree with that, all have instance content as their main form of gear progression.

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I don’t see how it is a grind fest by allowing all content to drop end game loot?

Mythic raid doesn’t get easier because of gear, it only gets easier because you learn the fights. If you don’t have skill and team work you’re not getting it.

It actually removes all the grindiness to the game, and would allow the devs to create more content, even mage tower type content and puts less focus on trying to time gate people with gear grinds. I’d rather have more content and things to do then doing S1-S4 gear grinds for two years then everything being thrown out the window each expansion.

collections, collected, type the mount name

Not ESO. So there goes that argument.

Link main please.

ESO is still around?

kinda funny how you actually try to reply when you think you have something but quickly go back into troll mode when proved wrong once again

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Yeah, its kicking still.

Not true at all, gear is a major reason many people can clear raids by the end of a tier.

The game already reward more than enough gear, you just have to do the content. We dont need more ways to get +heroic ilv gear, there is no need.

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You haven’t proved me wrong once.

Link actual main please.

I would say it’s on life support.

Not the best indicator of a quality mmo.

Its also why most people don’t participate in them, because the barrier to entry requires endless grinding.

Yet the demand exceeds what you’re stating. People wouldn’t be demanding an end to the gear grind if they loved it. In fact it was so atrocious people dispersed from BFA and SL.

Could say the same about WoW, but people don’t really view WoW as thriving either.

hmmm :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Without borrowed power crap, I can get a new alt ready to mythic raid in less than 2 weeks.

Great, I have 16 toons. I can’t be bothered to raid with all of them, nor would I. I’ll probably end up gear two at most. Do I want to grind 18 hours a day? Nah not really. Have I? Yep. Even without borrowed power, its just another time sink to repeat content to do content I want to do instead. Because you know the game is intertwined that way.

The arcano crystal - its stat budget was crazy but it got them to do the content again and again and again for all expansion long . Back then Timeplayed metrics was the hot topic

The content that requires gear all give said content by doing it, if you want to do m+ you get gear by doing it. Same for raids and pvp, is only when you want to push to the hardest content that you have to do more than that, but someone raiding heroic or doing m +15 can just focus on that.


4,811,047 monthly active players is life support ?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: