"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Already said not happening.

Link your main or don’t. Either way I don’t care and will
Only say link your main from now on.

It definitely can be, because you can’t be certain of anything you stated. How do you know the majority participates? You can’t account for those who do and don’t have this addon, let alone those who paid for their carries or otherwise. You’ve eliminated one significant part of your argument which unironically goes into raidlogs and other content. So the data still means nothing either way.

The only other point I’ve heard is what you’ve read on the forums, which again, that isn’t the majority of players. But you accuse a good portion of them of being entitled, when they just want to participate in end content without having to grind content they find boring or meticulous. Your compromise doesn’t resolve the issue, it just throws them a bread crumb, while retaining the gate keeping habits of the .5%

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The way I see is, if they have to add gear to make people do it, then is not worth making it in the first place. We already have 3 main ways to gear up, each with varying levels of difficulty and soon will have another 1 with crafting.

Solo content should be more fun and unique activities, not just another method to get gear. More mage tower and less WQ/dailies farming is what we need.

I disagree. I don’t want more queue simulator, I can get that on Call of Duty. An open world game should have open world content. Simple, thats what an MMO is at its core.

as I always say, you dont actually care about arguments you just big mad and want my main to start ad hominem.

also for someone who said always answer you literally didnt reply multiple times to the question I asked in this thread :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

btw I told you this my main, my focus on the gamme is to dance on goldshire and how I spend most of my time :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: I do content on alt.
this is a social game thats how I spend my time

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I won’t ever change my point of view on this.

I disagree. Gear is the reward for doing the content and is part of the progression and power gains. I disagree with people who refuse to play the entire game have bis gear and trivialize raiding at heroic and normal levels because they want to kill boars ten times for bis loot.

It would probably kill the game tbh. Gear is only a barrier if you put zero effort into the game. As someone that leveled and geared a rogue warlock mage hunter and priest this expansion it really just takes the effort of doing it.

Rewarding people for choosing to limit their game play is a no for me.

We can still have open world, nothing I said gets rid of that. Doesn’t mean you have to make it a grind fest and only content is dailies/WQ.

Which is why the game play will be changed.

I don’t think you understand what the addon does or how it works.

The addon just lets you create any achievement and link it in chat or take a screenshot. It’s not a real achievement and it doesn’t show up in the achievements tracked.

Armory has access to the entire player bases achievements.

There isn’t an addon required to track people’s achievements because the armory already does it.

Nothing is being changed in DF. Best gear will come from raiding and mplus.

Solo players have LFR ilvl gear.

Which is how it should be.

Nah not mad at all.

Link your main

I mean I was mounting the mount with the mount tab open showing I have the mount, the addon does that too?

Link your main

People who refuse to change also refuse to grow and learn.

You mean that mount for getting your Raidlog scores has nothing to do with it, you just do content for gear and you would rather speed run a dungeon you can’t stand? Great good for you. Others would rather not. I don’t see the negatives to the suggestion. If you enjoy the content you will do it. If you want gear, you can get it faster.

This game is based on achievements, your raidlog scores are tied to achievements. The reward is the mount. You’re still doing the content either way, you just remove the grind from it.

You disagree with people who don’t want to grind M+ dungeons 100 times each to get gear so they can get an achievement for a mount? Yeah I don’t know chief, sounds pretty far fetched to me. I think more people would do the content because they want the mount and the achievements, which is what casual players do. It also alleviates the loot tension issue, but opens the world up to more content in the open world. Open world content is what MMO’s live on, not queue timers.

Yet the opposite has happened with the more gear grinds they put in the game. Noticed BFA? Noticed SL? hm, can’t imagine why. Grindy af.

I suspect that will change.

I never said that? I enjoy raiding and I enjoy mplus.

Raid logs are a third party thing and aren’t connected to achievements.

If they want the mount and the achievements they can earn it like everyone else who wants it.

I’m a casual player and still play the game. If people choose to limit themselves on content that’s their problem.

The gear grind is never going to go anywhere. The issue with BFA and SL was the borrowed power not the gear grind.

So no t16 flawless. Thanks for proving my point.

this is the SS, in the original thread he said I found a random img on google, you know just a random person with the same name, mog and talking about what we are talking, my google-fu is just that good

https ://ibb. co /HtrksCR
https ://ibb. co /p4w4b16

It won’t though.