"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Because you are talking about multiple quotes.

I have answered your question outside of the flawless one multiple times. You just ignored it.

“I totally won the argument back then, no I wont show you ahahaha I win”

you said you would answer if I answered you, I did, I guess you are liar too eh?

I wont give you my info
show me your main
:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

yeah it doesnt exist I know

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no you literally havent, you want me to quote a few of the ones you havent?

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Like I said. Proving myself right to you isn’t even on my priority list because I simply don’t care. Let alone care for your opinion.

You haven’t answered till you link your main.

All you do is deflect for “gotchas”

Again don’t care.

Yeah , context definitely fills the void, let me tell ya.

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Feel free to waste your own time. The answers are after whatever you quote.

Love how you’re quoting only half the posts.

Like with Maizou where I explained the compromise.

“yes guys, its just not my priority, I totally wont believe me”

wait what? how is me literally showing you the achievement, the mount, saying I’ll show you online is not proof? are you high? or just because you dont actually want proof you just want my main? ohh ok

about the truth? I know.

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Its not like the arrow next to the quote doesn’t take you to the full statement. Either way it would make the post unnecessarily long in any case.

Yeah I read that whole thing, that wasn’t compromise imo.

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point to me where is the answer please ( from this thread I didnt even needed to go to another one )

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Someone’s mad they aren’t my priority.

Your main is the proof. Considering there are achievement addons that can fake achievements that mean’s literally nothing.

Nah. I know the truth. All you have to do is scroll back to see the responses. There were a couple times I even requoted them for you and you still ignored them

Contradicted yourself.

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Blizzard has the number and is pretty telling that there is almost no solo content compare to Shadowlands season 1, I guess people just didnt do them so why bother?

If the only thing people want is gear, there are more than enough ways to get it and with crafting being another sorta “pillar” there is no indication of them adding method to get +heroic ilv gear.

You can see why this one gathers much more hate than I.

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I mean we can agree to disagree.

Most of the complaints about solo play are two things.

One being the content isn’t engaging.

The other being gear.

I’m in support of making the content be more engaging or enjoyable but I do not support solo players receiving anything better than normal raid ilvl loot.

I’m big mad yep, I’m the one saying I won and I wont show you where or how, thats how mad I am.

I can link a friends main you will never know since people are allow to have multiple accounts, let me show you in game with this character so you can be certain.

sure, where is it?

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Not at all. Those addons just show an image.

The achievements showing the 60% are tracked achievements through the armory and warcraft logs.

That’s not a contradiction


If you weren’t mad you would have let this go instead of going full Karen.

You could and then check pvp would show you lied lol.

In the multiple threads you responded to me.

wait, if I wasnt mad I would let you tell people lies about me instead of asking you to proof the bs you claim?
what you talking about? also you are in this conversation just as much as I am lmao.

no, it wouldnt, like I said I can have multiple accounts.
come ingame. set a day and a time.

“nowhere” ok buddy

also when you gonna answer this ?

[quote=“Nightwishs-moon-guard, post:794, topic:1416057, full:true”]

the quote feature fail me, but the “wait, you are using achievements…” is me asking you

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I had that point of view once, then changed my mind over the last couple months after thinking about it.

The gear chase is just extra work to participate in content, it doesn’t mean jack in regards to skill. In fact most successful groups are based in cohesion not necessarily skill. Your parse doesn’t mean jack if you die, and it can easily mean less because of your class and the fight itself. Static data isn’t reliable in a multi-dynamic circumstance, let alone what that person is going through that day, or the circumstances in discord, the guild etc.

If mythic level gear was awarded to players doing casual content, that opens a whole population to the top 5% content, as gear is no longer a barrier to entry. It then becomes about how well they listen and participate, i.e skill. Which if I’m not mistaken has been one of the largest criticisms in the game, but people get rejected outright because they don’t want to participate in the hamster wheel content of grinding 50 dungeons to get recognized and even then probably rejected for some petty reason.

Mounts are still unique to the dungeons like vanilla and past expansions where they still hold value, and aren’t easily achieved without skill.