"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Conspiracy doesn’t require a lot of evidence, only that there is a formal agreement. “US” is enough to get someone thrown into a court room. The Mafia got hit with RICO for simply having been associated. You may not even know what the other person is doing and is doing it, and you can get hit with it. Just saying. Conspiracy doesn’t require knowledge, only formal agreement once.

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How many times do I need to repeat that I’m not ever upset on these forums before you understand that?

Uh what? The website searches armory and links characters based on their achievements.

Has zero to do with checking IPs

Trolling someone doesn’t require you to be angry.

Yeah you’re searching for the account its connected to, while it isn’t directly related, I’m saying its not more than a stone toss away for trying to figure out more. People DDos others all the time because of “disrespect.” I’m just saying, that type of energy won’t get you anywhere. Y’all walking a fine line.

I’m not involved in this, I’m mediating. I’m only telling you from personal experience I’d change behavior because ain’t nothing good comin from this.

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I never said it did. However you keep repeating that “I am upset”

There’s three quotes where you keep trying to insinuate something that isn’t true.

False. I’m not searching for the actual account or account information. It just shows characters that are from the same account.

Well, what are you if not upset? You’ve been complaining about 9 months of interactions. That sounds upset to me.

“To disturb the functioning, order, or course of”

And you have a whole thread of you going back and forth between multiple people, many of which disagreed with you. A lot of it comes off as trolling. That includes your initial statement. If I’m a GM/Moderator, and I come into this thread, I’m not gonna be looking at bloodypaws, they responded to your initial statement which came off as trolly, followed by your endless disputes. So yes, someone who is disputing things with others, and reiterates perceived disrespect or otherwise, is going to appear “upset.” Unless this is your modus operandi.

Right, but characters for the account are personal information. You’re connecting it to one person. Then putting that information in a public forum for what reason? By the way, that is considered a soft dox.

“doxing is the act of revealing someone’s sensitive information online”

Like I said, y’all walking a fine line. That isn’t normal behavior, and if your first response is to behave the same as you perceived to be treated, people might think you would go further. You’ve already stated things that seem a bit questionable to me.

Then the doxxing:

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Stating what he’s been doing doesn’t mean I’m upset.

Especially considering I have told you 4 times I am not upset.

The comment bloody linked you isn’t his first comment to me in the thread.

All he did was link you quotes without the context or previous conversations in order to make me look bad.

It’s public information from the armory

Character names are public information.

I’m not doxxing him. I think you honestly don’t understand how armory works.

You’re literally falling for his bait. Dude is nothing but a troll that plays victim.

Actions Vs Words.

Yeah but you weren’t using it for the purpose of checking the leaderboards, or for gear. You were using it to identify a person. Big difference.

Yeah, the intention is a slippery slope. I’m not sure you’re picking up what i’m putting down.

If its bait, you made it possible by your behavior. Why would I believe you over him when I can read a whole thread about your interactions and behaviors? The mods would likely see it the same way.

I don’t think you even comprehended the advice, but in either case, this is exactly why I said it. What you’re saying to me, and what you’ve typed already and posted don’t align.

All of this looks sketchy.

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wrong I called you a coward after you refuse to answer my comments even after I tag you multiple times, at first I said you were scared and if your feelings got hurt by that you are hypocrite because you have called solo players lazy and entitle from the gate.

I have told you this before and as always you just ignore it


And there you have it, the truth.

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Actually you never tagged me. My feelings never get hurt. I was just pointing out the irony of you still refusing to post your main.

Link your main

Actually again taken out of context. I said some not all solo players.

I know that is a lie. Everyone has had their feelings hurt at some point in life.

What is your obsession with stalking people?

Have you spoken to the Majority of solo players?

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My feelings have never gotten hurt on this forum.

They used their main as part of an argument yet refuse to link it.

It’s not stalking someone.

Going off of the known history of the game where everytime Blizzard releases hard solo content the cries for nerfs are great.

I literally did and said you were scared.

sure buddy.

there is no irony, I never made an argument that require my to link my main.

you are the one that was going big mad at the other dude because he said M+ was easy and kept saying he cant say that because he didnt do M+/KSM or whatever and on the other hand you kept saying torghast was easy but refuses to answer if you have done all te t16 flawless.

I have showed you a SS and said I would go online and show you the mount, you ignore all of this because its not about the argument is about running away and just stop replying after awhile when your excuses bag was empty

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I never once used my main as argument, dont lie

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If they don’t link their main, do you suppose that might be due to privacy, or are you suggesting they are lying, and if they are what does it matter?

Well unfortunately neither of us have Authority to demand that information.

Some of the most vocal players are those who are in the minority. I wouldn’t use these forums as a metric for that either. This place is the last place I’d go to if I wanted opinions of this game tbh. I wouldn’t even suggest someone come to this forum for advice in game most of the time due to the nature of the forum.

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Never got a notification means it never happened.

Not everyone’s self worth is wrapped in this game forum. I don’t care what people think of me.

Actually you did when talking about the torghast stuff.

Never got mad.

Torghast is easy.

Screenshot isn’t evidence.

And nah I actually have a life outside of this game.

Yes you did rofl. Full of lies I see.

Has to do with credibility. The main point is pointing out the hypocrisy of them calling me a coward and hiding because I missed a post due to not getting a notification while they are hiding their main.

If I really wanted it I could just find it on the screenshot they linked.

I’m not demanding anything.

I 100% agree. I take the forums with a grain of salt.

no I didnt, feel free to prove e wrong and quote the post.

thats fine, have you do all t16 flawless?

like I said before I will wait for you, you surely have log into the game in the last like 3 days right? any time you online you tell me and we make it happen, its just a matter of time.

I’m waiting for that quote

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1st you said you actually answered me.
2nd you said you missed
why didnt you reply then? I kept asking and you kept refusing and deflecting? only then I called you a coward

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Don’t care enough to scroll back and find it.

Won’t be answering that till you link your main.

Actually nope. Even then I’m not meeting you in game. Not giving obvious bitter trolls my btag info.

You want an answer you can link your main. Till then you’re wasting both our times.

Don’t hold your breath. See above.