"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

That smells pretty bogus to me. If you truly felt empathy, or even sympathy, you wouldn’t be trying to punish him with the same behavior.

yo bro i would just honestly open a ticket about it if they’re just following you around. someone did that to me and got banned from the forums for it

This should taken with more scrutiny than a casual observer might gleam.

Reading between the lines and seeing deceit isn’t too difficult, but being unbiased is a good way to find truth.

I’m not trying to punish him with the same behavior. I just correct him when he blatantly lies about me.

It’s honestly getting to that point.

Pretty sure if they could ban me they’d of done it by now.

If it isn’t true, why are you concerned?

Nah, not if no one brought it to their attention. They’re pretty quick about this stuff.

It’s just some weird behavior that people seem to have on forums, to follow people and basically be a stalker. let it go, bro.

Maybe. It seems like they’re stalking each other, or something to that effect. Oddly enough I’ve not had issues with bloodypaws that I can recall, but If there was, it rolled off my back long ago.

Yeah like I don’t know necessarily about anything involved i just think it’s incredibly weird from the outside looking in.


Objectively it’s pretty dicey stuff considering they walk the line pretty close themselves.

Which is probably why nobodies tried banning one another.

Though if it did reach the keen eyes of any admin they’d ice all of us involved.

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Yeah. But like I told bloodypaws, stalking some 6 or whatever alts and keeping tabs on the forums is very much like Jeffrey Dahlmer type crap, then having a group of people conspiring. Nevermind that his initial comment came off extremely trolly (Snozay).

So yeah, I’m a bit confused, but all I can tell Snozay is to control his thoughts and actions. This whole bit about an “eye for an eye” or whatever is archaic only leads to feuds. But he doesn’t look like a saint either from the outside point of view.

Yeah, I’d say stalking, harassment, and conspiracy are all serious crimes, even if committed online.

If they have read our posts they probably haven’t done anything since they can see we’re still passionate about the game, though this is purely taking an optimistic outlook on what the admins could perceive.

I doubt they read much, way too many comments, way too many people. I’d imagine they have better things to spend money on. If they felt babysitting the consumer base was worth it, they’d have kept GM’s.

I’m not stalking him. There’s a website that you type someone’s name in and it shows their Alts.

Idk why you think that’s stalking someone

" Other behaviors that lead to feeling unsafe, harassed, or monitored"

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Conspiracy: " an unlawful, harmful, or evil plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot."

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Just have to agree to disagree.

Typing his character name into a website isn’t the same as monitoring what threads I post in and then responding to me trying to bait responses.

That’s a reach and a half. Capslock and I have zero communication outside of the forum so there isn’t any conspiracy.

I mean, that is a whole lot of proof to cough up. If it was anything like this thread repetitively, then you’re upset they called you out for trolling, or as you put it “returning the same energy.”

Yeah I do consider checking peoples’ profiles stalking and harassment to be honest. Never mind the fact its a hard metric to guarantee to be true anyway. I tend to value peoples’ privacy. Whether they are “incognito” or not, its a fraction of a hair away from an IP Address or other wise digging for more. If they’re an issue there is a block button.

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