"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

New number , who dis?

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Just some context Gaijinn.

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How do you “follow” someone into a thread when all threads are available for public use?

Its one thing to be on several threads at the same time, its another to engage someone because you think they’re wrong for their opinion or whatever. I don’t know what those opinions are, but its not a defining factor on harassing someone or stalking their several alts lol. Thats some low key Jeffrey dahlmer crap.

So I don’t actually respond to him. I will be in different threads and he will go in and derail the thread by calling me a troll ect.

It’s gotten to the point that people who even disagree with me have told him he needs to let it go.

Like I said. He’s been doing this for about 9 months.

It also doesn’t take much effort to see people’s Alts. Just search their name on check pvp.

With the types of comments you leave, I’m not even surprised tbh.

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My comments are a reflection of the comments said to me.

As long as I am respected I am respectful back.

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Notice that he won’t comment on the creepy factor involved in confirming this toon is the same as the one I used previously.

I know its a minor point but systematic of what he’s actually on this forum for and it isn’t to be a saint of any kind.

Yeah not sure about that one Chief.

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Then quit trollin.

Yeah, I read all that too. This guy is big mad because people disagree with him. I didn’t see anyone going after him like that either.

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All of those comments are after people have been disrespectful in other threads.

For example nightwish kept calling me a coward because I missed a post one day that they responded to me.

Like you said yourself. You aren’t aware of all the happenings.

I’m not mad at all actually. I’m not the one complaining about anything.

I also don’t keep a log of people that said some “mean” things to me. Quite honestly everyone is human and has a bad day. You don’t know what anyone on this forum is going through or had been through. If you want to walk around with a chip on your shoulder, you’re only dissing yourself tbh.

“The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.”
― Marcus Aurelius

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”
― Marcus Aurelius

“Our life is what our thoughts make it.”
― Marcus Aurelius

Don’t waste your life being pissed off, offended over things you can’t control. Clearly you wouldn’t like someone telling you what to do, so why do you allow them space in your mind, and to control your thoughts and feelings?

Again . I’m not mad. I don’t get mad over a video game forum. I just return the same energy given to me.

We may not agree on things but we both are being civil.

This is a prime example of how I am even with people that disagree with me.

That doesn’t make your situation better. As stated in my former response.

“The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.”
― Marcus Aurelius

Civility shouldn’t be expected. Its something you give, whether it is returned or not shouldn’t cloud your judgment. That expectation will lead to more disappointment and grief, and never ending back and forth, that is unproductive.

The issue is your expectation of others, and reiterating the offense given to you. This is largely why walking away is the better option or simply not engaging. Whatever the “unknown” is to me, I am still skeptical but being unbiased.

If you ever see Snozay then you can expect to see Bloodypaws sometime soon. Seen it alot recently lol.


It’ll be less when DF drops.

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I’ll leave you with these final quotes.

“I don’t care what people say about me. I do care about my mistakes.”

“The easiest and noblest way is not to be crushing others, but to be improving yourselves.”

“From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate.”


Yeah, well, nothing we can do about that, and whatever that “beef” is, is between them.

We can only control our thoughts and actions.

We have no control over our health, our life, nature, wealth (tranistory) etc. So there is really no purpose in allowing our emotions to overwhelm our better judgment, if present.

It’s not a beef. More like he has an obsession to troll me because his feelings got hurt 9 months ago and he can’t let it go.

I actually feel sorry for the guy.