"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Not necessarily :smiley: In ESO you just crafted your gear, or paid someone to craft sets for you. Then you played whatever content you wanted. It was very mellow and chilled, no stress, no queues.

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The better question is
why does this one feel the need to point it out?

in this case, we’ve seen this one pull this shenanigan before, so we were on the lookout for it.

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Well, I mean, sometimes it could be relevant I guess, but probably not always.


Are you Khajit?


Many of my newer characters on Skyrim are Khajit.

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Doesn’t really bother me.

Just the ones who don’t like me I guess shrug.

It sounds more like harassment than having a point tbh. If they’re chasing the same person down with a vendetta to start conflicts, its a bit different than just pointing it out for the sake of clarity. Much different than say one person making a thread then logging into 20 toons to agree with themselves lol.

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Oh no, I didn’t meant that. I meant like when people reply to their own posts in support
 there’d be a point to saying “Uh, you are replying to yourself.” I didn’t mean following people around and outing them.

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Yep, assuming there’s room to kite, and there isn’t stuff spawning in the area you cleared out specifically to have the room to kite. The latter was a common occurrence in the Maw for me.

Yeah, I’m just saying in this case, I’m not sure what it is, but it sounds like stalking lol.

Comes with the territory sadly.

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Yeah idk. I guess I will just stay in my den of obliviousness.

Lol, I guess. Idk.

Like who has the time of day to track the pets of six toons? then write it all down or whatever?

That is intent, I don’t keep tabs.

You got a whole team on me?

I’m flattered.

That is conspiracy lol.

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I don’t either, but that may just be because I am lazy and not bright. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Same, I don’t have that type of energy lmao.

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Basically because I wouldn’t bother doing dungeons then, I’d just raid.

It’s because he has such a terrible reputation on his rogue where he is constantly proven wrong because he’s just a troll.

It’s ironic because he constantly follows me into threads to troll me because he’s still mad about a conversation 9 months ago.