"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

I see one of my admirers are still following me around.

I’m not an easy catch you know.

You’ll have to try harder than that to out-fox us.

I don’t really need to when you stick so close to my tail.

The same reason fast food employees aren’t paid separately for every little thing they do. Instead it is incorporated into one job description with a variety of responsibilities. If you want more, do more. If you want less, do less. If you’re not chasing gear, then why does it matter?

Sir this is a game.

If you want us to stop pointing out when you are wrong, you can simply stop being wrong.

Doesn’t matter, it applies to life and everything else that exists. If you want to build a house, you gotta put in the work for it and pay someone to do it for you, or learn how to do it. Its not going to simply going to exist because you did something lol. Its the structure of everything.

If you want to tear the structure down, then go for it, but it’ll be devastating to the end game content. Why work harder when you can simply do a WQ? Why log in if its so easy?

So you perceive an issue with toon swapping on forums?

You mean Torghast on steroids? Yeah, pretty sure thats how M+ turned into group content back in the day.

It accomplishes nothing. bloodypaws, ardmccloud, iskandar, lopaw, or spyrina are all the same.

Then why bother commenting on it?

Man I just wanna do random bgs and gear differences is not so out of whack like it is.

That sounds more reasonable than OP tbh.

I feel violated, people have alts and I have no idea until someone else points it out. I go on an alt or change my characters name and within an hour people already know who I am. Someone teach me the ways.

I could careless about getting gear. I mean a world set would be cool but my dopamine was never from gear.

I honestly cannot believe the kink ppl have for gear.

I just wanna be viable in random, unrated bgs and I want more fun world events.

Yes ,I’m obviously propsing doling out gear from just a world quest.

I totally said or implied that when comparing harder outdoor content to something like a Guild Wars 2 Map Meta.

(This is heavy sarcasm)

In the absence of Content, Gear kinks are popular.

easiest way to check if 2 toons are on the same account is to check collections.

If they have the exact same pet collection, they are 99% the same account.

Another thing wrong with me. Oh well!

Yeah, but you have to suspect first… I am completely oblivious, lol.