"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

No, I keep applying to solo players as a whole.

Why does it even matter? Itā€™s not like blizzard is ever going to change their system. Just be happy with whatever leftover scraps they throw your way or you could quit and play a better game. These days itā€™s so easy for people to just buy a carry so nothing is really stopping ā€œyouā€ from getting amazing gear.

But yes I do agree that the world content should have some sort of a meaningful reward because it is a part of the game after all.

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It is a wait and see.

We get a new flying system, trade skill revamp at the start. I think the first content patch, will be able to tell us just how far they willing to go in the future. DF with crafting alone wil give players some much needed content.

We shall see in the future content how serious Ion is.

Depends on what mythic you are talking about. Most people donā€™t want nor need raid mythic for world content ,but do wish for something close to help on the content.

Yep, getting all those mats from Heroic/Mythic raids, high end M+ and high rated PvP will be a doosy.

Oh you meant for solo players.

Oh, well rip them I guess.

I already told you, and proved to you that you are wrong. Go learn the system, and stop talking like you know it.

The fact I proved you wrong with that video, and now you are saying that the crafting grind you are going to need all that to get it up. When you clearly donā€™t need it at all.

You really are a failure.

Just play pvp. You can get full gear without achieving any rating. Best way to gear up if you dont want to challenge yourself

The system is you need mats from high end M+, raids and PvP to craft gear.

You get 5 free ones. You need 10 to craft a single item.

Crafting isnā€™t giving you high end gear unless you do high end content. You canā€™t even buy the mats.

That is false yet again. You acting like the only gear you can build is from Mythic+ or raiding mats. You can build good enough without it. . And if they tweak the numbers like they said it will be close enough to raider gear.

DF going to be the best solo friendly yet, if they pull it off. Canā€™t wait to see.

No, itā€™s true.

Everything else is pretty low ilvl.

DF S1 is actually pretty light on solo content and most people that played Beta agree that it probably needed something more.

That will get tweaked. It is not low enough that it is a huge downfall.

And also they talked about world quest giving mats and other ways.

Either way it will work out. Solo future is looking bright. :slight_smile:

Numbers can easily be tweaked. We shall see. Either way HYPE for the future for soloers.

Dude, expansion is in 3 days.

You get 4 from renown caps.

Beta is over.

They tweaked the numbers faster than that with the world event. Did you even do the dungeon? On test it was dropping 250 gear.

MMO is always in beta. You should know that. Things always change.

Tweaking item levels is much easier.

Also you act like the test server for DF was the final build. Iā€™m sure many tweaks happen players did not test.

IT will be ok Raiimir.:slight_smile:

Dude, the beta is over. The numbers there now are the numbers at launch.

And WoW doesnā€™t really change reward structures mid season.

Good luck with 10.1, 10.0 isnā€™t giving you a whole lot of solo friendliness.

That is false.

You act like the dragonflight players tested was the last build.

You also act like tweaking item levels is hard.

Raiimir iā€™m telling you it is ok. :slight_smile: If blizzard fails at the start they will fix it in future. If not pay the price.

They admit they failed us. So why are you acting like nothing will change? They said they will. Are you calling Ion a liar? and if he is. Well Wow will pay a heavy price.

It is not hard. Iā€™m just happy they admit they want to do better.

Yes, they did.

Theyā€™re testing it now actually.

What is ok ?

I know itā€™s ok, Iā€™m getting cool crafted gear from the mats Iā€™ll pick up in high end content.

Iā€™m more worried about you.

Happy for you, and when us soloers start getting better gear and they tweak crafting to be better and closer to raider stuff. Im sure you will be happy for us as well.

It is a win win all around. Soloers going to get love, and you can keep your silly raiding.

All and all the future is bright. Happy for you.

If they do that, Iā€™ll be picking up all that stuff, probably faster than you, and then have my raid and m+ gear on top.

So Iā€™m not too worried.

If anything, Iā€™ll enjoy you whining about how it all takes too long to get again.

I really donā€™t care what you do, it is not a contest little guy. What you get does not matter to me. It is what I can earn that matters.

You never matter at all to my fun, or enjoyment, well proving you wrong has been fun, but what you earn means nothing to me.

Funny, because you keep saying youā€™re gonna stick it to ā€œRaidersā€ and ā€œElitistsā€.

Sounds like youā€™re competing against them yourself.