"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Link your main.

It starts when people stop making it an “Us vs Them” any time we’re talking about content in the game. Blizzard couldn’t give a damn about either side. The only thing they care about now is profits and boosting their numbers. Regardless of whoever gets thrown to the wayside.

For players I want more content for people to do that actually has meaningful rewards that’s fun to do either solo OR with friends. Torghast was a great example of where Blizzard priorities lie. Make a roguelike experience that focuses on fun, crazy mechanics to boost you and your friends that’s a little challenging and have a good time with cool rewards for participating? Nah. It’s going to be bland and the only reason you’re doing it is to upgrade your Legendary.

That. Is the kind of solo content I’d like to see from Blizzard. Them stepping outside of the box and doing new things and focusing more on player engagement, fun and rewarding players for partaking in it and toss in a few challenges for players to rise up to.

Dude. You keep saying this, I keep telling you I liked how SL S1-S3 worked, and then
 You come back with this again. Do you read anything I post, or have you just decided what my opinion is and tell it to me over and over again?


It was every. single. item. You needed every. single. item. to hit a +15 to see an upgrade for virtually every slot. It just wasn’t fun to see your BiS gear drop, and not hit a +10 or +15.

It’s not complicated. Farming content got you more titanforged pieces over time. That part worked. What doesn’t work is that the drops from literally everywhere else become meaningless unless they too hit that titanforge, including the next raid tier.

Except not, since S1-S3 were better than LFR level gear?

And I am sure they get a good laugh about how we always blame either other rather than teaming up and demanding they do right by all of us.


Well then you will have it worse because DF is the same ilvl.

I mean sure yes, but that trinket was a world quest item. So it was much harder for it to go TF.

Myself, I thought just remove TF from raiding stuff, and leave it to world quest and maybe heroic dungeons. (Besides world quest bosses.)

At the time, I did not mind it was going because I figure they would make world quest better from it. boy was I wrong.

But it isn’t?

S1 we got gear between LFR and normal.

S2 we got gear between normal and heroic.

S3 we got gear on par with normal, including set bonuses.

 we get LFR gear.

We shall see, like I posted in that video. Ion said that things will be better for us soloers, and proved you wrong about the whole season 4 thing.

That makes the point even stronger that people are setting themselves up for disappointment.

It wasn’t. Titanforging is common. Getting a +30 though

There’s nothing wrong with gear upgrading. The issue was literally that it was 100% RNG. Player what deterministic rewards for the most part. It’s okay for some RNG of course.

So Ion saying they failed us, saying that they are going to close the gap from solo gear and mythic gear. Is setting up for disappointment?

Even at the start that is the case, we don’t know the future content. I mean they buffed the item level from the dungeon from the world event. So they can buff things quickly.

The fact that Ion openly said they want to make solo play better, and close the gap in power. That alone gives me some small hope. Now if he fails to do it. We shall see.

However, the developers KNOW that soloers been wronged over the years.

RNG if something drops or not is normal and expected. RNG of will it be 5, 10 15, 
 30 levels higher, will it have a gem slot, will it have tertiaries is where RNG becomes problematic :slight_smile:

Yep, there’s a level of RNG that is “expected” or “within reason.” Weekly content? Semi-deterministic is great. One-off event? Deterministic. Farmable? More RNG is fine (like mounts), given it’s not MOP World Bosses ofc.

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It was the most complained about thing at the time on the forums.

Don’t hold on to that hope too strong >.>

Hey at least he openly admits he has failed us. Even if he keeps failing. The fact he knows it makes me happy.

I look forward to see how the Wow developers make it up to us soloers. and if he does not. WELLLL cross that bridge when it happens.

But you keep applying it to me despite me telling you (now for the 5th time) that I liked that model. In fact several people here have told you they liked it.

Maybe don’t apply your stereotypes to people over and over after they’ve specifically told you it isn’t true?

At this point, it’s just trolling to effectively tell me I’m lying over and over again. Really filling up my ignore list with trolls today, gotta say.

As someone who has already crossed that kind of bridge with Blizzard, good luuuuuuuuuck :wink: