"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

No, it just was a rare occurrence. If it hadn’t been, no one would have worn raid gear, everyone would’ve had worn WQ gear.

Actually it proves why the system was bad. Someone gets sprinkled with titanforged gear while the other person who’s doing the same content gets scraps. It was a bad system and I’m glad it’s gone.

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I mean I don’t trust him also, but I want to have hope because if DF fails to value my time as a solo player, than I don’t want to play.

I enjoy wow combat, and the faster tick rate. So it is just a shame that everything else for me that I would enjoy is weak.

I hope Ion is speaking truth this time.

so you yourself didnt wear WQ gear which means many others didnt either. idk where you get your delusions and main character complex

Why would I ? The ilvl on it was terrible compared to the content I was doing.

Even when you are lucky it sucked. I was pretty lucky but immensely hated it.

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That’s how I remember it. It was just more RNG on top of RNG and it was universally hated. That’s why it was removed.

Same. I remember getting a titanforge to Mythic ilvl from Normal raiding while doing ToS and never replaced that piece. Moments like that gave me nothing to look forward to and when it happened only left me in confusion

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Yep, exactly. People say they want meaningful progression, but TF was the polar opposite of that.

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There was a poster in BFA who hit a mega-jackpot on a PVP trinket, it titanforged +65 levels or something nuts like that.

The issue with titanforging isn’t that titanforging sucks, it’s literally the antithesis of so many reward philosophies in success games.

  • You kill a raid boss, and get loot, but none of the loot Titanforged, so you’re sorta left with disenchanted items instead. As such, you really don’t get a reward.
  • If players RNG’d they’re way to an upgrade, then they’ll be RNG’ing their way to future upgrades, which causes friction against “respecting players time and effort.”
  • Trading restrictions made it a miserable experience for cooperative players, especially if you had a +10 BiS trinket, then replaced it with +15 version. Your 0.2% upgrade could have been someone’s 3-8% upgrade, and being told “no, you cannot trade this item” made people resent the system. “It’s my loot, I should decide what to do with it.”

I like titan forge, but I understood why people hated it.

I liked it only because it was a nice little bonus reward when i did my world quest farm. I would do the same gloves again because always a chance I could get better ones.

It felt nice, but I also understand the weakness of min/max players and how much they hated it.

I am sad they took it away without buffing world quest or adding a system to it.

Because it wasn’t progression.

You didn’t work towards a titanforge. It just sorta happened. The word progression doesn’t figure in it.

I’m kinda surprised that you hated it, I mean no offense but the few times I saw you comment you always seem like more of a casual player ?
the only reason I could see to hate titanforge is for people who are in a competition enviroment that yeah it feels bad to have a bad rng, but for casual play any titan forge was better than no titan forge no?
like I said I might be wrong about you I dont really know and its just curiosity really.

Why is it so hard for other players to be happy that some players are being heard by Blizzard and have a reason to want to keep playing their playstyle true it isn’t happening right away and solo players know this just now we have hope for the future.

Yet so many keep talking down and bashing our playstyle trying to say your opinions are “facts” this is why the WOW community has become one of the worst because of players always being jerks instead of saying hey that is cool Blizzard is going to listen more to you solo players let’s hope they follow through.

Is it really that hard for others to show kindness to their fellow player and be grateful that they have the hope and are willing to wait while still playing said game.

It’s the opposite really. People in really competitive environments kinda enjoyed Titanforging, because most gear was already near the titanforge cap and thus it had much more chance to cap out than uber casual gear.

It was easier to get a 445 to cap out at 455 than a 415.

mythic gear > quest gear in the world environment and allows you to complete your objectives faster.

Not sure why the usefulness of having high end gear in the open world is ignored.

ohhh really? I never saw it that well, thats interesting

did my comment dissapeared or I’m bugging out?

anyway thats really interesting I never saw it that way

I do consider myself casual, but I hated it for the reason I stated: It is the opposite of meaningful progression. There is absolutely nothing meaningful about being lucky. If I work harder, or longer, or better… that is one thing, but to just do a WQ and haha JACKPOT was an absolutely horrible feeling for me.


While that is true. I recall many raiders being upset about a certain world quest trinket that was BIS but they had to farm over and over again for it to Titan. So that caused the biggest uproar about it.

When I am just like ok, so just up the item level of the trinket or don’t let the trinket Titan forge problem fix.

Nope threw it all out.