"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

back up your words with facts that it was casuals

Right after you do.

Oh right, you can’t.

ah so you can’t

Back up your words that it was only “elitists” that wanted it gone

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the burden of proof is on ramir

You can’t either. You’re just making things up.

Titanforging wasn’t even meaningful progression, it was entirely RNG. You couldn’t work towards it.

You made the initial claim, the burden of proof is on you.

a lot of WQ pieces titanforged.

It wasn’t just elitists that hated it.

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To answer seriously, it’s because these are challenges that, for all intents and purposes, are not a fit for the open world audience. I’d rather the open world offer a slow-drip of powerful items ((mostly from professions), especially one-time big items, like a Mythic Raid +6 loot as a quest reward for defeating the current tier’s final boss. (Think Argus and the trinket.)

It’s not that players don’t deserve a challenge, or are incapable, it’s simply not the content I feel they would enjoy. I like having longterm goals that can be chipped away in 15-45min intervals fits their playstyle more. While it might be a bit of a grind, I simply feel “adding a layer of purpose and reward” is both within the spirit of rewarding open world players while simply enhancing existing systems, instead of overhauling reward pacing.

Actually you stated that

So prove that it was only elitists that hated the system

i agree with you. i said elitists drove it away. i didnt say only elitists drove it away

thats not me my friend.

also 27:20 to 27:40 give or take.

I didnt know how to link the video so I linked a comment where the video is.

A lot ?

Hell no.

And Titanforged how ? Simple 5/10 warforged ? 15 titanforge ? Or higher ?

i did a WQ. it blipped that it was an upgrade i looked and it was 960 in legion season 3 i believe

So once ?

Grats on getting lucky.

Ty I figure saving the link when I had the exact moment from share would do it in the forums. Guess not. Even though when I click it. Goes to that spot.

it happened many many times throughout the course of legion and bfa

No it didn’t.

tbh I dont believe Ion, like at all, but since you posted the video and said the timestamp more or less I check it out and yeah it does say that getting normal gear and being 30ilvl behind felt too much of a gap, so idk maybe he is telling the truth

then you must have been very unlucky.

im so lucky in fact that i got rivendares deathcharger and reins of the raven lord within 10 minutes of each other