"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

After that kiddo. Where he says that the gap is going to be much closer. That they have failed soloers.

The fact we are going to be much closer to your item level is the part that I’m happy about.

The future is looking bright if he keeps to his word.

“we do want outdoor play and professions to push further into that track and theyd like to close the gap. we underserved the solo casuals. and they care about progression”

Because that would be badass and awesome. Also would require effort to create.


You won’t be crafting mythic gear unless you are clearing mythic raids. The crafting revamp will be nice but anyone thinking they can craft high level gear without stepping foot in a raid is in for a major disappointment.

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Professions where even the blue mats require doing group content ?

Those professions ?

That is not what we care about.

What we care about is that our progression will be much closer to mythic than before. These huge item level gaps are a problem and they know it.

thats why there are people who craft the stuff for people to buy it.

415 - 385 = 30.

Which is much closer than 304 - 252 indeed.

Congrats on your sub normal raid gear. Oh, sorry it’ll be much faster to acquire just spamming +7 keys.

You need to provide the BoP mats yourself for the crafting order.

Learn how it works :

And if they are going to make solo play valid. I am sure they going to add world quests or something that would give us the same mats. Or it will drop on queue up type stuff. Like heroic dungeons that is easy for players to get into.

Overall, you were wrong about what Ion talking about.

Solo play has always been valid.

It just never rewarded high end gear and won’t in Dragonflight either.

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it has before with titanforging. which you elitists drove away

Again, kiddo. Numbers can change you know that right?

You act like you are right, when we keep proving you wrong time and time again. Even this event, they up the item level out of the dungeon stuff from the test, and forgot to update the journal.

Point being, You are wrong, and I accept your sorry.

The expansion is 3 days away.

It’s set in stone for S1 now.

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Titanforging was bad for the game. People don’t get to cry about “meaningful progression” and then praise titanforging which completely randomized it.

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ah so it can change in 10.1

Really? Because they ninja changed the numbers quick to the event dungeon.

It does not take much, I mean they might already have and it was not on the test build.

Either way adjusting numbers much easier.

titanforging would take the arguement for mythic gear away. because it was a great system elitists hated. ie the LOUD minority

at this point you just putting them down because you dont want what they are saying to be true, which might not be.

but Ion did say those things, I wouldnt believe him but they do have legs to stand on, he does say normal gear and being 30 lvl behind is too large of a gap, everything does points out they are gonna make the gap closer if you believe him.

now you wanna make a argument that he is lying? go for it but dont be trolling just because you were showed something you disliked

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Most of the hate for it came from uber casuals.

“I hate getting gear that’s base ilvl, it sucks!”.

I had no issue with it. 445s were already plenty good.

Nooooo it wasn’t just the “elitists” who wanted it gone! It was well voiced by the community that titanforging was bad for the game. So again, you don’t get to cry about wanting meaningful progression when titanforging randomized it to extreme levels.

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