"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Good job not reading my post.

Stop cutting off my stuff to further a poor argument.


Keyword : “For you”.

For a majority of players that are “solo” only, they absolutely hated it. And it was only a single month. Imagine! “Oh no, we need to play content for a month!” and it broke them.

They don’t want long term. They want fast easy gear. It’s just a whine from this crowd.

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Said this in other threads about open world/solo gearing. The reason I, and I’m sure there are some others that ask for better gear from our chosen form of content is because Blizz screws up scaling, then tells us to just get better gear. So you know what I will do, I will ask for better gear from my chosen form of content. If Blizz wouldn’t screw up scaling all the time and if I really could solo what I was solo’ing before they screwed up the scaling, I would be fine with the gear I’m given.


Because the “open-world” player will not do it. All you would do is move the location where the content takes place, not who takes part. It’s never been a question of where the content takes place for the “open-world” player, but rather a combination of difficulty and socialization that these players dislike.

Open-world players don’t want to talk to anyone and don’t want any challenge, simple as.

I do not think it wise to make such broad assumptions.


Let’s put it this way: the last time something close to this was tried, the majority opinion of self-described solo/world players on the forums was “NERF IT NOW!!!”



We had the Maw and open world players malded. Imagine if the open world was ACTUALLY challenging. Lol.



Ehh not really. I felt it was too easy to get people pulled through but heh it was end of patch.

The Maw is absolutely not what I’m thinking about.

The Maw was tailor made to be a miserable experience.


You get normal raid gear from solo content. It sure why you think you need higher.

Ion already said that the people who say you don’t need good gear for world content are wrong, and all players enjoy getting powerful. It is the nature of a rpg.

I’m glad they are shifting the focus on rewards and power in DragonFlight.


I think its like, doing the maw on a fresh toon start of expac sucked bad. Then as you get to the end of the expac, without doing dungeons or raids, zereth mortis gear is 239.
Going to the maw in 239 still sucks. Slow mob fights. tedious when your doing dailies and world content over and over and over.
A player doing normal raid is wearing 278. Go into the maw in 278 gear and tell me you dont see the difference. BIG DIFFERENCE.

So like i have said in the past a million times, Casual players doing casual content everyday getting sick of not feeling anymore powerful with the welfare WQ gear, need a better system to not feel the tediousness of the loop with no reward.
World gear that is strong maybe on par with normal raid level gear, but only for outdoor content. You can nerf the S*IT out of it in dungeons/raids/pvp make it Ilvl 1 or negative zero. But in open world its strong and feels good.
Wouldnt bruise anyones ego and casual players would be satisfied. and not just another number for blizzard to throw around at the board meetings about /played time.


I dont remember people asking vision to be nerfed, I remember they asking torghast when it was broken af and its was a content that didnt provide a gear progression, when was the time they provide gear progression and people complain about difficulty?

That would have been a good idea if they had done that.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


ZM gear is 252

I’m a casual player and raid mythic. Stop claiming all casuals are bad/antisocial at the game


Wasn’t this in the context of literally having nothing in the open-world in Season 4?

Obviously they know that players want something to acquire. And you’re getting something to acquire in the form of Storm Sigil gear.

No. They didn’t. They hated how rank 5 worked. A few randos here whining is not the majority of the playerbase. There are more people in Korthia on 5 servers I play on than in ZM.

Stop acting condescending and stop making crap up. I’m done with you.

Edit to add
 since you want to base everything off of this forum, 250 likes with replies about how the gearing system for Korthia was a positive:


On the preach video. He flat out said he did not agree with the comment of you don’t need strong gear unless you raid or mythic+.

So that gives me hope for the future.


And then he gives you 385 gear from Storm Sigils, under normal raiding.

Seems Ion actually agrees with us more than your fever dream reading of his words.

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Torghast had its gear progression removed on beta when players complained about the timer. The timer was removed, and the regular gear went with it.

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