"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Oooooh you sweet summer child. You make it sound like this is your first rodeo of dissapointment when it comes to Blizzard

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“What about the future” after talking about failing in S4.

You need to get the context.

Not really ?

Horific Visions in BfA is the best example. 470 gear (5 ilvl under Mythic raid gear), from solo content. Look at all the “solo” players, find the ones with Mad World (5 mask, solo vision, meaning 470 gear reward from solo play).

Yes, and let me spoil it for you : you’ll get normal raid ilvl gear from rep grinds and pearl grinds again.

Benthic, Vision gear, Archivist gear, Cypher Gear, Nethershard gear, Timeless Isle 535s, Tanaan 690s.

It’s always the same thing.

Get owned.

Ion talking about dragon flight. Said nothing about season 4 when he said he failed solo players, and the item level gap.

You all failed.

You just wait till 10.1!

You just wait till 10.2!

You just wait till 10.3!

You just wait till next expansion!

Have seen this time and time again. People never learn :clown_face:

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After showing you all facts, in that video. I can’t wait to see what you all will lie about now.

if you’re so pessimistic about wow why are you playing it? must be depressing being so negative all the time

Why is it so hard for other players to just be happy solo casuals are getting heard from Blizzard are you all that sad in real life not to be grateful going forward may not be now but in the future solo players will be able to enjoy our playstyle.

True it may not be now and no one is saying it is going to be right now but solo players have a reason to look to the future after years of being ignored yet as always so many just want to be all high and mighty.

This is why the WOW community is so bad players are excited for the future of their playstyle and the community just wants to be toxic.

Dude, we raid and M+ and PvP.

Our gear progression is already great.

We don’t need to hold out hope someone will throw us a bone.

theres no need to hope when theyre doing something. and you’re mad about it

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I mean after showing that video, and it proves they are lying. I can’t wait until they start pulling up bs about “He talking about season 4.” LMAOOOOO

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lololol yeah i cant wait to see the same old tired rodeo

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I’m playing casually in Classic. And I asked you a simple question and you couldn’t answer it for me. Then, you’re inable to evaluate yourself and realize that at launch, you. have. nothing! There isn’t going to be some big revolution where the casuals take over. It’s going to be the same business all over again. With the casual crowd complaining about the lack of content in the game now that Blizz isn’t tackling everyone to grind AP, conduits or choreghast like content that are tied to systems.


Mad about what.

I’m probably the most excited for your solo gear, I think the Storm sigil gear looks awesome, can’t wait to own it faster than you do. :grin:

you see, you’re fuming you can’t help but jab at others. its very petty

What happen to all that spunk? When I prove you wrong on you s4 bs. You quit talking all that good stuff.

You’re the one gushing all over the thread, calling others names and insults.

I’m super stoked I’m getting some nice blue colored plate.

You haven’t though, you linked a 1 hour 12 minute video, provide no timestamp of what you mean, and declare victory.

Here Ion says clearly you’re getting at most normal raid gear like you’ve always had before :

I win.

It is time stamped for me. Not my fault forum failed me. But here 27 mins in. Listen and learn. :slight_smile:

Get wrecked.

Have a nice day. I just proved all you raiders wrong and it felt good. I done my public service for today. Now I can rest easy. :slight_smile:

Where he says “Oh if you want 415, 420 ilvl, you’re definately going to have to do high end raiding, high end PvP”.

That 27 minutes ?

Or is it another 27 minutes ?