"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Except it’s not. We’re just realistic about expectations for rewards in trivial content.

That’s nice.

Anyways care to educate me?

The problem isn’t what he said (“we failed solo players in S4”), but rather the extra spin their brains are putting on the comment to mean they are getting some amazing gear. Oh well, I have tried to warn people.

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again if it was just lip service he will pay the price.

I am saying he said all the right things that soloers wanted to hear. We will see if he pulls through or not.

If wow fails me in DF. Well it is the last chance. So I won’t be upset or anything. I got so many options now.

Spin? You guys are not very bright. Did you hear what preach asked and what Ion said? Preach did not ask about season four.

You guys are that worried?

No he won’t, he’s been lying to everybody about various things for years.

He always tells people what he thinks they want to hear.

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It wasn’t.

He was clear he was talking about SL S4 and that they won’t forget Solo players again.

You’re interpreting that to mean something it doesn’t.

Yes asking about the future of content design going forward is now talking about season 4.

rolls eyes

How are you so wrong all the time?

Like why would Ion even mention crafting if he was talking about season 4 future.

You people are trying hard.

he wants to keep this going as its the only attention he gets.

Yo Titanspite.

:point_up_2:t6: Educate me

It is sad, Like who the heck does crafting in shadowlands? Like what the heck.

“S4 we failed. GOING FORWARD we will not”.

Yes. Comparing what’s coming with what happened in S4 is very valid.

educate yourself. im not your maid

If you can’t you can just say that. This is your opportunity to make the “elitists” look dumb right?

presents chin and points to it

Here ya go! Tell me what’s coming


That’s all you can do. Some just don’t want to listen.


So you can’t even name this supposedly great gear you’re getting.

Again, LOOK at what Preach asked. He used that as an example.

You guys really are trying too hard. The question was about design and the future. Ion answered about going forward in dragon flight with item level gap content that matters, and crafting/solo quests having bigger impact.

I mean I dont doubt you but like, isnt that comparison kind unfair?
solo content in this xpac torghast would be the prime example, solo players have no way to actually get good enough gear to do everything there.

storm sigil, yes you keep saying this like a parrot.

you do realize theres 10.1, 10.2 possibly 10.3 too, right?

I guess I will just sit back and wait for the “He lied to us!”