"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

So basically… the campaign we have gotten every expansion since Legion dropped.

This is the funniest thing in all of this. People cheering and hollering at “elistists”, they don’t even know what’s coming.

you’re acting so petty over a video game. its kind of sad.

Maybe? I’ll be honest and say that I checked out in the first patch of both BFA and SL so my memory is hazy when it comes to Legion.

Does anyone? :joy:

Again, the bare bone start is fine. We are hyped for the future. We have crafting to grind into, and it will be expanded in the future.

You just hate that Blizzard is going to focus and start rewarding solo players in the future.

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Nobody seems to have noticed that in all of their marketing and promotion about Dragonflight, other than the podracing they haven’t said a peep about what we’re going to be doing. Apart from dungeons and raids, that is.

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“but… but… you base this all on S4!!!”

LFR starts off at 376.
Mythic ends with 424.

Tell me more about the things Ion says.

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Actually to follow up. I want the casuals to explain to me the new content that’s coming that’ll finally “stick it to the elitist snobs” that’s made for solo and casual players

Ya it is the dumbest thing I have seen. If this is the best these raiders have, oh boy are they going to be mad at the future and I am going to enjoy it.

theyre fuming at the positivity. it makes them melt

He was just using an example number top of his head.

The point he was making is that item level gap is going to be much closer.

Thank you have a nice day.

I’m not the one hollering at boogeymen over a supposed victory I can’t describe friend.

This is your first game then I take it.

Hype and video games rarely mix well.

Poorly timed invasion content you’ll miss most of because it’ll be at 3 a.m. and last for 2 hours.

Yup, but it is fine really. All that time they told solo players this is not the game for them. Now that Blizzard admits they have failed us, and going to fix it in the future with Dragon Flight. They can’t stand it. I love it.

I like scaling zones for leveling alts, but I could completely do without the rest.

As I said, If Ion fails and it is just lip service. It is no big lost for me. Wow needs me more than I need it. I can move on.

Ion is saying all the right things. Lets hope he pulls through. The fact that he knows he has failed us solo players is a great start.

I’d like to know too, because I have seen the gear they are getting in DF and it’s the same thing they got from covenants, Korthia, and ZM. Which again, if that’s what people want then great… but I don’t see how that is sticking it to anyone because no one cared (at least no one I know).


No one ever said that though.

We just said you don’t do the solo content there is.

I’ve probably done more solo content than you and Titanspite combined.

All of us will have understood that he meant “S4 isn’t going to happen again” and you’ll be the only one fuming friend.

I mean to be fair…

…you’re not on the moral high ground either. Also…

Care to answer this for me? :point_up_2:t6:

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Interestingly enough, Sepulcher was a 46 iLevel difference from LFR to Mythic.
Vault is a 48 iLevel difference from LFR to Mythic.

You probably shouldn’t believe the things he says so easily.


i guess taste of your own medicine is bitter cause thats exactly how yall act