"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Reading hard. I presented an example of content and what was required to clear it to be rewarded better gear. And then observed the opposite side and it cannot be argued that World Quests doesn’t require anything like that for completion. That goes for Raiding, M+ and PvP. And then presented an example in Solo Content where difficulty was presented and how the “casual and solo players” reacted to it.

If you don’t have a counter to that then just say you don’t

Yet you still can’t provide a valid argument.

Link your main.

It’s not a matter of completion its that there has to be more meaning behind what players do other than aspiring to be a raid logging ghoul.

He never said that.

S1 gear from solo play was covenant gear that capped at LFR level just like storm sigil gear does.

I mean I just did, feel free to actually address it.

why you using achievement data as a source if when I used you cryed and said they were not reliable ?

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lol only 16k achievement points. come back when you got 25k+ you poser

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This is ironic given you have 16k too. :stuck_out_tongue:

well he asks for the main of the person with 30k achievement points. id rather listen to nightwish than them

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Fair, I just thought it was funny.

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I don’t disagree with that. I think there should be more content in the game outside of Raids. Do I think it should come in the form of World Quests only though? No. Blizzard needs to pull their heads from their rear and actually focus on making fun and engaging content with good rewards behind it. Torghast is a great example of a great idea poorly executed due to a system nobody asked for.

Torghast would’ve been better if they didn’t make it just all about upgrading the Mythic slot.

Needed some useable gear, or fancy full set mogs to earn.

Can’t be wrong in his own world, despite being so several times.

It’s getting kinda sad at this point.

I have never seen the elitists so triggered as they are now knowing Blizzard is going to work on giving us solo casuals better options to have gear is really rustling them sorry not sorry after all the times the elitists talked down to us and told us we were nothing this is a small victory but one none the less.

Stay mad elitists while the solo casuals are getting what we have been asking for which is attention from Blizzard who knows this could be the fourth pillar after M+, PVP, Raids and now solo.


When you actually make a valid one I’ll address it.

Because you never backed up your claim by linking your main.

Link your main

Yeah, a month of killing rares and looting chests was apparently too much for you guys to handle for Normal KT/Sylv gear.


Can you name any ?

They aren’t giving you better options. You will have LFR ilvl gear the same as you did S1-S3. I mean if that is what you want, then GREAT. I am getting the impression that people think it is more than that though and think people should temper their expectations because they are setting themselves up to be sorely disappointed.


what did I tell yall? why my main is important in a discussion about the credibility of achievement percentile tracking? because he knows I dont wanna link and he has no actual argument/answers lol

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Scaling needs to go away. Hated the idea when it was first floated, hate it now.

I remember back in Mists when people first started talking about how great it would be, I was farming Mogu at the time to get that dragon mount that’s flying around. And I told people, “So, you’re telling me, that if I’m still farming these mogu 5 years from now trying to get these Skyshards, you want the Mogu to be take just as long for me to kill 5 years from now as it does now, during Mists of Pandaria? You people are CRAZY.”

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As long as the gap is not huge. Ion clearly said no more of this stupid 30 item level gap, and they want solo play to feel more rewarding.

If we was getting LFR ivl and normal raid tier before and he wants our play style to be more rewarding. Well guess what? It won’t just be LFR equal gear.

Future is hype.

That or even really cool transmog. The ONLY thing I can come up with for World Questing would be a story progression post leveling to max that goes along side with what’s going on in the first patch.

What should the cap be? shrugs

No clue.

Can’t wait to hear the disappointment from “solo players” when DF launches. From what I’ve seen it’s going to be pretty barebones at launch.

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