"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

In relation to what happened in SL S4.

Not a hard concept.

No it didn’t in S1.

7/7 was 197.

and in comparison to the amount of attention raiding receives it will be nothing more than a pebble on the peach. :joy: the information we already know about dragonflight proves that.

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the elitist snobs are fuming.


Actually season 1 gear was LFR.

Season 2 gear was buffed to end of normal raid bosses ilvl

Season 3 nerfed to to regular normal raid level gear.

I honestly don’t know where the delusion comes from.

You’re getting 385 gear in DF S1 in the world and grinding a full set of Storm Sigil gear is going to be a massive wait.

That doesn’t have me fuming other than the mog is good and I’ll be farming it and it shouldn’t be that long for mog as good as that. But whatever, I’ll probably have it before you.

Most of the people pushing the hardest content in the game are PvPers pushing rating, and players pushing keystones as high as they can go – and none of them are doing it for gear.

Considering that people who do solo content by running around the world doing dailies/quests/events/world pvp/world bosses/minigames/farming/etc are the people who make the game world feel less empty. They’re the only ones breathing life into an otherwise empty and dead world. I think they should get absolutely fantastic rewards.

More people would be out in the world if the rewards for doing it were comparable to instanced activity rewards.

They already nerfed the gear that you will get for world content, so I don’t know where they are getting it is going to be some amazing “we love solo players!” experience. I mean I like world content too (I’d go out on a limb and say most m+/raiders do), but I have a feeling we are going to have some really disappointed people soon and I can’t wait to hear “Blizz lied to us!”

At this point it might be more enjoyable to just let them be delusional and pop lots of popcorn for all the rage posts in a month or so

Must be remembering wrong.

Either way, that’s closer to normal than LFR, since the first 8 bosses in CN dropped level 200 gear, while LFR dropped 187 gear outside the last few bosses that were 194.

knock yourself out. idc about my gear anyway so long as i can solo old world content and raids

The start of the expansion is slower, but future content what makes and breaks this. but already this start with it being alt friendly, heavy focus on crafting, and flying at the start. It is already a much friendly soloer dream.

Now with Ion talking of shorten the item level cap, said they underserved solo players and going forward they are going to make sure no more huge gaps in power from soloer mythic raiders.

Overall Dragon flight looks amazing, and it is a nice snub to people who don’t want soloers to have nice things.

Future is bright.

So in other words, worse open world progression than anything other than S4 of Shadowlands.

The hardest content in game is ce raiding.

High end pvp and high mplus are also harder content.

They also offer the best rewards so not sure your point.

That’s your opinion but that’s not how rewards are done in this game.

Raiders and mplus and pvpers are already in open word farming the rep required.

It’s about the same as Storm Sigil gear. Normal gear will start at 389. 385 → 389 ~= 197 → 200.

Right so peoples goal as they’re getting stronger in raids is similar. In that the gear that they’re acquiring as they progress will aid them in killing the next boss. Which for players looking to do it legitimately requires time, effort and cooridination to do so. Much less so in Heroic down based on the difficulty.

World Quests require non of that. In fact the difficulty for World Content is basically playing Candy Crush on the first level. It’s not hard. And when I’ve seen new zones being introduced that has mobs that present any kind of wall, the players whine and complain saying that there needs to be nerfs.

This request to make the open world more difficult will blow up in the Devs face if they follow through with it. Mage Tower is a great example of how much complaining will go on in any solo content that presents any level of difficulty. And casuals will blame the Devs again for catering to the “1%”

Actually yes. Unless you were uber slow at Archivist rep in Korthia.

I can’t wait for your cry thread once reality breaks.

wait, you are using achievements data as a source? didn’t you say that those are not reliable every time people use it to rekt your pseudo arguments ?

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Link your main.

Troll be trollin.

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