"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

29% buy the AotC

Except you didn’t offer a compromise? Lmao. All you said is you don’t agree that outdoor players should have higher gear.

That’s not compromise.

I’m not against harder solo content. I’m against people talking down to solo players and saying we don’t deserve content, which, not you, but the vast majority of anti-outdoor gear people do. They want the development time spent on raids, dungeons, etc. They see outdoor content as expendable.

For me, Korthia was a good template for outdoor gear. It was gear we actively had to play to upgrade, and it capped at heroic raid gear, but to get a full set would take a very long time, much longer than running the full heroic raid dozens of times. And by the time most of us reached the heroic raid gear level, heroic raiders were already fully decked out and had already started into mythic if that was what they wanted. And if they didn’t, they were out in Korthia with us, doing content tuned for Korthia level gear. (Their gear)

Then you have Zereth Mortis, which for some stupid reason, had like 6 rares that were tuned for a party of mythic raid geared people, or a raid of other people. That shouldn’t happen when outdoor players, aka the main people doing those rares, are capped at normal quality raid loot.

And the rest of the rares still required groups and very few couple be soloed, which made for an unfun experience as an outdoor/solo player.

It isn’t but they’re changing it to accommodate us anyway.

Not you.

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Nope, hovers around 1% usually, Sepulcher was an anomaly.

i love the anger from the elitist snobs when they see the game is changing and not in the way they want its hilarious


It’s not changing though.

We literally have all the info about DF.

Nothing has changed.

I’d be interested to see stats on this.

Most of the sources (i.e., WowHead) bias the numbers higher by only looking at people with Wowhead profiles, which a lot of casual players don’t have. Or they look only at people with max level characters, or people with some other set of achievements.

Wowhead has ~1% of profiles for all CEs in SL, and that’s biasing higher than reality since raiders are a lot more likely to have profiles.

I did. I was ok with making solo content more enjoyable but not increasing gear level rewards.

Korthia capped at endboss normal raid level not heroic.

ion literally said they wanna close the gap between casuals and mythic raiders

He was talking about SL S4.

You’re getting the same deal you got every other season.

Storm Sigil gear.

Take it or leave it.

That doesn’t negate my point at all. You’ve essentially said that effort is meaningless since anyone can buy it or get carried. So what’s this complaint about meaningful progression? It’s pointless right?

Once again, this is not the same. S1-S3 had normal raid equivalent gear. Storm Sigil gear is LFR gear.

It was normal gear and was nerfed.

A after thought? They clearly stated that they are going to be a huge push in it. Hired a huge team, and understand they have been failing and that is what has been hurting to them.

If you think that is a after thought well more power to you :slight_smile:

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And keep being wrong. Not what he said at all.

he was talking about wows third age, which starts with dragonflight

Not really. It’s about feeling like you’re stronger this week than you were last week relative to the mobs you’re killing.

Or that you have a goal that you’re progressing towards.

Or that there’s an over-arching thing you’re collecting, like a transmog set.

S1 didn’t have ilvl 200 stuff from the world.

Normal gear was higher initially too and then they readjusted all ilvl down.

Storm Sigil was just done late but got the same adjustment. It never was normal ilvl.

They know that, they are just acting stupid.

Yes it did. Covenant armor was upgradeable to 207.

they are a troll most of the time ive seen them