"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

You know what grinds my gears now, is that when you hit the new lvl cap you feel weak and hit like a wet noodle, it never was that way. I remember BC and hitting 70 on it’s own was a massive upgrade, no gear needed.

Meanwhile you’re an elitist troll who demands everything be built around your style of play.

I think everyone wants mythic raid gear regardless of play style lol

Shields and constant kiting.

I remember when Mages were using the triple barrier in PvP and we just simply unkillable.

I mean, given the resets that happen… that’s kinda what happens? I logged in, tagged some mobs in an invasion, and my alt is full 252.

Almost like the gameplay should be compelling and provide progression and enjoyable content for everyone, since chasing item levels is pointless.

Which brings it back to “it’s not about the item levels, it’s about having a sense of meaningful progression irrespective of playstyle” and how scaling has completely ruined that for non-raiders, since the world and solo content is scaled to raiders.

Not elitist nor a troll.

I’m not demanding anything. Pointing out how the games designed.

the 1% is not gonna mind when 99% of the playerbase also gets a nice cut of the mythic pie

its just a game after all

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Times change.

It was so much fun doing world pvp lol

If you think only 1% have access to Mythic gear in the age of M+, I don’t know what to say, you need to seriously wake up.

Heck, 1% is around how many CE players the game has, there’s a lot of bosses before CE, so even just for raiding, including normal and Heroic, a very large portion of the player base gets access to good gear.

I’d dare say “solo” players are the anomaly, not the norm.

Not even 1% and I mind so wrong again

mythic plus is its own beast im talking about the dead raiding scene which those players argue is hardest content

Yet on beta they actually haven’t. Feel free to enjoy more of the same.

Game is for everyone.

Not just for your satisfaction.

no, you destroyed your own argument. :joy:

entitles you to access to the servers and nothing else. try agin. :joy:

not every game is for everyone. nothing wrong with someone leaving to find a game that fits their wants.

I mean, they could have unique transmogs that look good that are dependent on different playstyles other than raiding and PvP.

Have BOP armor sets you can only make with max level crafting.

Have more unique transmogs sets that require open world farming / treasure hunting. Something like the Explorer’s League set that’s a RAF reward could have instead been part of Loremaster achievements, for instance.

Like 30% of players get AotC.


Everyone has access to the same content.

That means everyone has the options. Not my fault you choose not too.

There are way fewer than 1% of they playerbase that are CE.