"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

He’s literally referencing season 4 not all of shadowlands.


This is the biggest issue with the current world scaling and progression: unless you’re raiding or doing M+, you never really feel like you gain power relative to the world, it just keeps scaling with you.

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Like Ion said. It is a rpg, players enjoy getting stronger no matter what content they enjoy.

They are trying to make a game that is rewarding for what content you want to do. And that is great.

There has been a lot of people in general who has requested this. In this thread and many others this has been requested. The thing is nobody comes to a generalized conclusion on where World Content should cap out at.

Elitists was never the majority. WTH are you even talking about? Blizzard built the game directly to be a more casual friendly experience than Everquest. So that thought process is just blind nonsense.

I am an outdoor player. I am repeating things that literally have been told to me in the past year. Try again.

You’re not doing the same amount of “work”

Solo players compared to mythic players “work” isn’t even remotely close.

Everyone pays the same for equal opportunity. Your $15 grants you access to the game. It doesn’t mean you are guaranteed anything.

You mean like get carried or pay gold for a carry?

well you missed the case

paying 15 dollars a month and buying the expansion is quite literally the same amount of work. for both players

And we’re back to “I’m a special snowflake and need validation for my “hard work” in a video game or I’m going to whine about it”.

I feel like you all missed the question preach asked. It is ok.

sure, if you dont mind being an afterthought. if you’re okay with that, more power to ya.

and doing world content is not the same amount of work as clearing mythic raids. thanks for destroying your own argument :joy:

Yet you just ignored my compromise

Mages are squishy all the time, or at least that’s how it always seems to me when playing mine. I really don’t know how you guys ever manage. :laughing:

It’s the only class I’ve ever had problems playing.

lol and you wonder why people ask for change.

I work harder than a mythic raider. The boring grind and content it is much harder to stay awake from than what they do. I should be even more rewarded with the badly design world content.

By that logic you should have the right to get the best gear in the game and have all the transmog options by just logging in. Why have the players try and play the game right? Someone else would’ve just come by and paid for everything with gold

you missed my argument because you have no rebuttal for it.

paying 15 bucks and buyin an expansion is the same amount of work for mythic and casual players

I don’t wonder why. Solo players are entitled anti social people that feel entitled to everything in the game.

It’s that kind of crap that’s pushing people away.


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