"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Well like it or not the devs are looking to accommodate everyone so they don’t have to play other more solo orientated games.

People want to continue progressing their characters. Some prefer to do that in the open world.

Yes, in DF, they will be reverting to S2-S3 type gaps because they failed in S4.

The comment is pretty darn clear.

Watch your mouth, that’s against the CoC.

You’re just refusing to accept that you’re not getting anything better than what S3 offered and you’re throwing a tantrum now.

Look at Storm Sigil gear.

That’s what you get.

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I think it’s more appropirate to say all players want to feel like they have something worthwhile to do.

And the game as it currently stands uses Gear as the biggest metric, for good or for ill.

So it lends itself naturally to people wanting to increase that particular number in their field of choice.

It just so happens that World content is missing something on the higher end that other forms of content seem to have.

Not at all. Solo players would likely never be in my group anyways.

That is statistal data. The websites I mentioned track the achievements and show a percentage :+1:


like it or not, that does not translate into solo players getting mythic gear. it’s not happening, sorry to say.

Which is why Ion is saying there is no majority anymore.

Cause those majorities ain’t gana pay the bills.

what about crafting allowing access to heroic gear?

Not exactly. S3 had open world gear that was equivalent to normal raids when fully upgraded: Storm Sigil gear caps out at LFR quality.

I’d be perfectly happy with S1 (upgradeable Covenant gear) or S3 style gearing. S2 was not my favorite, but I’d accept it.

That Reaver made the argument about Tauren Rogues and stealth laughable because you’d look up and there he would be stomping on you.

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When they do that, the same crowd just screams at us “YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO GROUP FOR IT YOU DON’T NEED HIGHER ILVL GEAR”

It’s a lose-lose with the crowd that doesn’t think outdoor players deserve content/progression.

He tends to refuse to accept any facts that show him being wrong. It’s quite entertaining.

Maybe, maybe not.

Will have to wait and see.

Either way it’s a little silly to assume that you’ll casually just pick up the best gear in the game. Feels like people jumping at shadows.

If you were a squishy class wearing mediocre gear it wasn’t too difficult to accidentally get in over your head.

I didn’t play there a ton but I always tried to take the “right” approach of clearing my way in, but that sometimes didn’t help with high activity areas because stuff would end spawning on top of me mid-fight. This could also just be a fire mage problem though, because mediocre gear + fire + solo world content = underwhelming performance — I could see other specs that are naturally higher output killing things fast enough to not have this problem.

Who in this thread is even asking for best gear I have read this all the way from the start and no one is asking for best gear what is it with you elitists always wanting to talk down and bash solo casual players.

Face it the elitists aren’t majority anymore now that Blizzard is going to work on giving solo casual players more options so stay mad if you want but times are changing.

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And I’m sure you can link to examples of this rather than “it exists, but I’m not going to provide it”?

Many sources that display a % do it only among a certain subset of the playerbase, rather than the entire playerbase. Even the armory isn’t 100% accurate of all players.

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I mean calling you stupid is doing a public service. You really need to fix it.

Second off. It is already a victory for us solo players. They are going to shorten the gap, and they know they have failed us. And moving forward they have a bigger team designed for content for us.

Please fix your issues. Thanks how anyone can twist his words around when he clearly stated they want solo players to feel more rewarded and lessen the gap from mythic players, and some how say that is not what he said is amazing.

the solo style players are the silent majority

Imagine lumping everyone up because of the content they do.

They really should revoke your CC status.

Solo players do have a progression system. It leads to normal level raid gear. The issue is they don’t like it.

If you want to improve the quality of solo content without rewarding higher than normal raid gear I’m all for it.

Storm Sigil gear covers more slots though, so you’ll get more gear and your average ilvl will equalize with what you had in S3 compared to raiders.

There’s no other way to interpret what Ion said : the S4 gap was too wide, they’re reducing it, but that doesn’t mean you’re getting better than Normal raid gear.

S2 had the highest ilvl loot out of all of them though.