"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

So group players then?

Either way you’re still wrong and all your previous “facts” have been turned to sludge.

Still never claimed anyone was the majority. I said the majority took part in some group content meaning they aren’t solo players.

How many times must you be proven wrong? The video link right to where they said they failed solo players, and they are going to do better.

Going forward the gap is going to be far less. Dang you are the most clueless poster I have ever seen. Even when you get proven wrong you still keep on going.

Just take the L man.

You’re a troll and nothing but one.

Crafting raid ilvl gear will require raid mats.

Sorry you’re ill informed.

Ion was talking specifically about Season 4 having no extra ilvl in solo play when he said “they failed”. AKA : S1-S3 SL was fine and that’s what you’re getting in DF S1 : Storm Sigil gear.

Is the only thing you can do is take things out of context? He’s literally referencing s4 ZM.

I haven’t been proven wrong lol. You’re just so delusional you can’t understand what anyone says.

Please provide this statistical data?

why do people care what world players get?

they pay the same sub as you

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Because he’s got some of his personal ego / self worth hung up in his playing skill, it seems, and someone else getting rewards makes him feel bad.

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its an mmorpg not a singe player rpg. solo play doesnt need mythic level gear and people need to stop asking for it.

All players deserve a fair shake.

Not just the Mythic Raiders.

I love proving you wrong the most.

That was NOT what he was talking about kiddo. Preach asked going forward is this how you desiging the game the huge gap from soloers and dungeon players.

And ion CLEARLY stated that they are going to shorten the gap, and they have been failing solo players.

It is like you guys live in your own world and hear what you want to hear.

In dragonflight. The gap from world content and crafting will be much shorter.

You are weclome.

Feel free to look up tracked achievements on armory or warcraft logs.

Because this game rewards gear based on difficulty of content. The best gear is from the hardest content.

Raiders aren’t looking for even more additional chores to do in order to play the aspect of the game they enjoy.

And they have the same access to gear I do. They choose to not play the avenue for the gear they want.

its an avenue you want them to do because your raiding scene is dead apart from the world first race.

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That isn’t “statistical data”. That’s at best a source of statistical data that has not been collected.

You said statistical data exists, but refuse to actually show the data. That’s called “lying” or “making stuff up”.


Too bad you can’t on this.

Talking about SL S4 specifically.

Based on S4. Meaning you’re getting a SL S2-S3 gap instead.


you have your fair shake. you choose not to take it. that’s on you alone.

good thing we also have pvp and m+. if that’s not enough for you, i think you may need to find a game more oriented in solo play, like assasins creed.

They pay the sub to have access to playing the game. Not be rewarded the best gear just for inhaling and exhaling air.

False. Preached asked about Dragonflight moving forward with content.

God you are so stupid.

Teaching you is like killing my brain cells.

Or, you know, Vanilla through Legion WoW.