"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Sry dude. If this is Ion attitude going forwards then you can no longer thump on about group players being the majority.

Talk about double talk.

Nobody is asking for Mythic rewards up front, that’s a fear you’re projecting on everyone else to shutdown any notion of change.

Yes and no. It doesn’t fix the bigger issues. I played a healer in Legion, and in the early days withered army training was really good for rep, to unlock 2 dungeons. Every try doing withered army training as a healer? It was misery. Good thing I could just swap my spec and…oh, a level 0 artifact weapon. Well, shucks.

But they are. The achievement’s literally show that only 40% of the playerbase dont participate in group content. Solo players dont do group content.

Has literally been asked multiple times. Keep making things up.

You just can’t let go.

All well. Keep trolling I guess.

Rares drop more than 5 and the dailies give it too.

There’s nothing to let go. There’s statistical data showing solo players aren’t the majority.

There was never a claim that raiders were the majority.

Ion actually backs my statement up.

Also real ironic considering you continue to follow me into multiple threads.

Proving you wrong doesn’t make me a troll.

It’s not the data. It’s your attitude that’s now in opposition to the devs objectives.

If you can’t change then you’ll just go mad.

I might have missed this chapter of the lore, but what does the data show in terms of what the majority of players do with their time?

The only thing the majority does is level. Everything else is a splinter group.

Snozth is convinced that the majority of players are group players thanks to a certain achievement that was earned during Shadowlands.

What he fails to grasp that it doesn’t matter. There is no “Lets just design the game for the majority” outlook anymore.

Open world and more casual players who don’t go beyond M0:
“Hey Blizz, I would like some form of gear progression system like what you do for others e.g. with the vault. The vault helps mitigate bad RNG to a certain degree yet there is nothing like that for us”.

Rando on the forum who doesn’t know reading comprehension:
“YoU dOn’T nEeD gEaR”.

Later that expac rando on the forum:
“This game is dead, I can’t find anyone to play with, queues are too long, no tanks etc…”


It’s kind of a difficult task in the first place, instanced content has limits and rules which make design and balance much easier.

Just look at world bosses for an example of how this doesn’t really work in overworld content, you can easily just throw more bodies at the content, make use to open world resurrection, have a healer out of combat simply to res people, make use of toys that have zone restricted use etc etc.

There are just too many variables to consider to say “this overworld accomplishment is equivalent to this reward”.

Solo instanced content like how horrific visions were is better for that kind of reward, however even then not all classes are equal in terms of solo power performance.

You’re reaching as there has been zero statements by devs.

I won’t ever “go mad” over a video game.

I just showed data that proves that solo players aren’t the majority and Ard/Bloody is losing his mind.

I know reading is really really hard for you but I literately just refuted this lie you keep pushing.

Someone’s mad their claim of solo players being the majority was shattered.

Ion himself said there was no majority in Preaches tour.

Which alone disproved your claim of solo players being the majority.

So not only has the achievement stats proves you wrong but even Ion said you were wrong.

ion in preach video said that people can argue why a world player wants high ilvl for that content but the fact is people wanna see that number go up which is a core of an rpg so they wanna do more of that in DF and beyond

Can’t recall saying that but you missed the part where you turned out to be wrong.

That goes for all your…“facts” too.

Of course you don’t because it would really bother you to admit I was right all along lol.

I wasn’t wrong. I’ll quote it a third time for you.

No one is arguing against solo players having progression.

People are arguing against solo player getting mythic raid level gear for doing braindead content.