"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

I am talking about that one part. i listen to the rest just fine. He even says why do you need that gear. At the end of the day players what numbers to go up.

Then you know that anyone who claims a majority does/doesn’t do x is either lying, or otherwise full of :poop:

again it does not matter that point. I am just quoting Ion.

He said he failed us, and he has. He is going to do better by us. We shall see.

Overall that one part is a victory.

They are reverting to an SL S3-esqu system/tuning, with the idea of some of the power coming from a special set bonus, rather than the ilvl itself.

All this arguing is for not. If you watch Preach’s Blizzard video, they are working at integrating the solo world content audience and plan on closing the 30 ilvl gap from them to the mythic raider and pvp elite.

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People complaining about mage tower should be a clear indication of why.

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Sure, and if the gap is too big, and solo players don’t feel like they are being rewarded. They will hear about it.

With the system they have now, I am sure they will figure out a way to balance it out more. As long as they understand that they have been failing us, and that it was not just lip service. Things will be fine.

I mean why the heck would want mythic or heroic overworld? That would be tedious as heck.

There were complaints about korthia, which had the 2nd lowest gap of any patch in history, and said gap was immediately increased in the very next patch.

It being a success and considered beloved enough to be taken off the shelf again?

The Mage Tower was a success but the amount of complaints on the difficulty even during Argus was insane.

I mean I want more difficult soloable content too, but there’s definitely a limit to the amount of abuse I’m willing to take. I’d rather there just be More to do that doesn’t attempt to funnel me into M+ or Raids to finish it all out.

I don’t think the tower itself was the success, people just wanted more time to get transmogs, they could’ve put that on anything or even sold it to people and got the same result.

Yes it would.

Like it or not this game rewards gear based on difficulty level of content. If you want mythic raid level gear from solo content the difficulty will be very extreme.

From what was described in the tour, it sounds like the game is going to bend for the solo player. Not the Mythic player.

Which means they ain’t running the show from the Mythic player perspective.

The tour? You do realize the main form of gearing from Primalist Gear for solo players is at LFR level right?

Thats the Dev perspective.

Also hi Bloody, get laughed at so bad on rogue you swapped to your warrior?

Preaches tour.

Haha then you’d know they wouldn’t agree with you.

I’m feelin thick. You ain’t got nothing on this fox.

You mean where he said that S4 and not giving solo players a progression system in ZM was a mistake?

Nothing he said says they are bending to solo players lol.

The game design says otherwise.

Hey man if you enjoy your warrior go for it.

He did say that there was no majority. So your data speculation has been invalidated on that account.

Will wait and see, either way what ur suggesting is the game should only be built for the no mercy, back to the wall Mythic raider.

Not everyone wants to be the no mercy back to the wall mythic raider.

what are numbers really anyways, i think we should all be at base stats and have gear be cosmetic only

It wasnt but ok feel free to claim anything you want too.

Not even close to whats been said but as usual you cant comprehend anything but the extreme.