"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

They think they do but they don’t.

Its not solo content. Its everyone content.

False. I know plenty of raiders that wanted flying from the start.

Better than being the village idiot like you and a f ew others are.

Trust me when I say we arent laughing with you.

Most people were done with the maw rep before being fully decked out in mythic gear.

I wouldn’t mind having Heroic+ in this version of the game. It’s pretty casual. No timer, no keys.

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They’ll get a lot of complaints.
They also don’t know how to do proper open world difficult content. For them it’s [stick elites there and no way around]. And grouping isn’t an option with a lot of players in this game while others really can’t be asked. So while difficult open world content is welcomed, it never goes over well.

Festivus! It’s for the rest of us :heart:

Well, all those people are wrong lol

This. How, how, how could something that gigantic sneak up on you?!

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because those types of games don’t do well

none of those were rewarding though - they were challenging for no reason.

For difficult open world content your either looking at short term events (up for a couple of hours at a time 2-3 times a day) forces people who want to do it into a narrower time band meaning you get more people at the event itself.

Or your looking at always up but difficult content which is hard when the power level of players goes from I can solo M+ dungeons (most tanks) to I get killed by 2 world mobs (low ilvl dps).

The vast gulf in ilvls means that hard open world stuff is difficult especially in later patches as you could have a brand new max level vs a guy with 3+ tiers of power progression (nearly 300 ilvls difference).

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Myself I wish players could unlike mythic quality by grinding solo play, BUT that is not what developers want. Truth be told, as fast as we throw away gear, by the time we unlocked it. We would throw it away, so it would not feel worth doing.

However, Ion is here saying that solo players they failed, and they are going to close the gap on gear from solo play to raiders.

Sure we will not be getting mythic quality stuff, but we will be getting better rewards for the gameplay we enjoy.

So overall this is a victory.

And for people who are lazy. 30 item levels is to large of a gap from solo play to mythic players.

Based on their actions in DF, they are talking about SL S4 only. Nothing about SL S1-3.

No it doesn’t.

Every playstyle should be accounted for. Not just the players who constantly push the envelope.


again watch full thing they said that crafting and other features will be closing the gap. He goes on later talking about how they want to make sure that solo play feels rewarding.

Overall this is a victory.

I’ve read a suggestion before where open-world gear scales up in ilvl in open-world content, which would mean the gear is not as useful in M+/Raid/PvP but is very useful in an open-world setting. This is something that could help close the gap.

In either case, whatever difficult open-world/solo challenges are made, there needs to be a gear progression path for that challenge. Torghast could’ve worked, except the only way to gear for the higher levels of Torghast was to do non-solo/non-open world content.

It’s a tricky balance to say the least. One that I hope the many minds at Blizzard can solve.

Crafting so far (assuming you never step into an instance), will get you back to approx the SL S3 gap/tuning.

Ya, I mean at the start of expansion I am sure things will change, but when preach asked. Now that mythic plus is going to be its own progression outside of raiding. If you are not doing said content you should be lower, and Ion flat out saying they want to improve the quality of power you get through crafting and world content. They underserved us, and we care about progression.

Even going to far to say that 30 item levels gap is way too much. And they are closing the power. We are the silent majority. (well I am not so silent lol.)

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Kinda wondering why people seem to think “but people would complain” is anything resembling a deterrent.

Not a single addition to this game has been met with universal appraisal.

The notes about zone stability are a more liable snag though.

And this proves you didn’t watch the whole thing.