"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

as long as people can pay for carries “M+/MR” content shouldnt reward any more than mounts


For you. I am glad they dont cater to bad players.

So go play these supposed “better MMOs”

I never mentioned my skill. I said you dont have any relative experience to make a credible statement.

Again never mentioned me.

That will not get you near 750 in two hours, you need to spend more time and you are doing an absolute ton of sharding to come close. That is my final say, so you can end this with your final say.

Because anytime they try to make difficult outdoor content that requires players to pay attention or make content that takes more then 10 minutes to complete people cry.

When the zone is packed, as it was for quite awhile, it was easy enough to do in 2 hours. Rares and treasures popped like crazy. It did get a lot easier once you unlocked Oleia, and could purchase the item to send to alts for 50% more cyphers. Also, the dailies awarded over 100 cyphers per day, along with cyphers per WQ on top of the reward. Once you could fly in ZM, it literally did take 2 hours to get 750 cyphers. Check any of my toons, thats all they have is ZM and some anniversary gear.

Why would i lie? Theres no point. If it took longer than 2 hours(sometimes 3) to get my cyphers i would say so. I just know how to maximize my play in zones like ZM, because its really all i literally do since i stopped raiding 3/4 through WoD.

I mean we do Snozay. That is why Ion came out and said they did a poor job with wow and they understand they failed solo players. Also reason why they hired 300+ people designing content for world and solo players.

I know this is hard for you to accept, Wow can not last just catering to raiders and mythic plus players.

I know it is hard for your ego :frowning:

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Anybody want to put money on whether or not we’ll be flooded with complaints in Dragonflight that there’s not enough world content?

You are better off ignoring him. Its a win, because he/they will not stop until you just give up. He/they NEED to be 100% correct all the time, and will just resort to one line zingers.

He.they are hopeless. Save brain cells, do not waste them on this poster.

in S4 by not allowing ZM to give higher gear not in the game in general.

You are delusional if you think they hired 300 people just for solo and world players.

I honestly dont care because nothing is changing.

I know you being able to have a basic comprehension is tough so I feel more pity for you than anything.

they tried upping up world content from 1 to 2 in a 10 scale and everybody cried

Totally forgot about this. Yeah this was a huge factor.

Not my fault you did some hypocritical stuff and I called you out making you look really really bad.

I stop when people stop replying to me.

I am right 100% of the time.

Its all you seem to understand.

“I got called out on a stupid statement and looked really bad so I must warn other posters now”


I mean I don’t trust ion but that is what he said.

Maybe? but start of Dragon Flight many things have. Trade skill revamp, and flying right at the start is two victory for solo players. So you are wrong like always.

That is laughable coming from you. LOL

The Maw wasn’t hard. The Maw was annoying. There’s a major difference.


General Discussion disagreed with you. And still does. There was a guy a couple days ago telling me that the problem with the Maw was that people had to “gamble with their stygia progress” because you would die and lose it.

I don’t know HOW people were dying in the Maw, but apparently they were.

Is for everyone. This isnt a SOLO change.

Also not a solo player change.

Actually you are…again

I mean solo content is for everyone. What is your point?

Again changes that matter to solo players, that raiders never cared about.

I mean we can go back and forth, but it is sad at this point. You are like the punching bag of the forums.

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The issue is that this is a red herring, because despite the fact that it has been endlessly repeated by elitists, there’s only like one obvious troll a month who is asking for it. So obvious that it’s probably one of their forum alts.

You want overworld content that requires a 20 man raid in mythic gear? Is this in addition to or instead of present world content?

Quite possibly because they were mediocre players who weren’t in mythic raid gear like you.


Because most players don’t want that challenge in overworld.

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