"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

It only takes 750 cyphers. You do know that treasures are not a one off per day right? Elites are not aa one off per day for cyphers right?

Dont preach at me, i have 12 toons that say otherwise!

The only road block was the 5 day research once you got to that part of the cypher console!

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So I said:

And somehow you equated that to:



As solo players we actually expect a slog, but what we do not expect is for the rewards to be useless once we complete the slog! That was one fatal flaw with ZM, and the vendor gear pieces, i never needed a single piece by the time i could buy it.


It is a slog fest because of the underwhelming reward after all that work. If the rewards were actually on par with the time sink, then it would not be a slog.

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750 a day spent in two hours, tell me more.

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Do you read before you post? Because what you quoted specifically said:

So where is this “it” when I’m talking about what people want in a generic sense to be made in the future?

Math doesn’t add up. Treasures and rares drop 2-5 cyphers. Assuming 5 every time that would be 150 rares and/or treasures in 2 hours.

Once a week, counting the world boss and weekly? Sure. But not every day after that.

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Thats the tradeoff for doing trivial content solo.

I mean, most raiding is trivial beyond the time sink of organizing schedules.

Don’t people say the organization is the hard part of raiding all the time?

If raiders are being rewarded for the time sink of organization, why not reward open world players for the time sink of a grind?


This is a terrible event. Concentrating everyone into three locations worldwide sucks. I can’t even see what is going on more than half the time. Too many players, too many mobs carcasses, too many spell effects.

Polishing it won’t make it better.


You do know it is really not that hard with addons right? I even set them to not X out rares so when they pop back up, they flash red on the map. Same with treasures, i made the aaddon show them all, at all times weather looted or not. Then get this, the addon goes off and highlights the treasure red so i can loot it yet again!!!

I mean really neat huh?

LMAO sheesh man.

You clearly have never raided above LFR.

Performance and organization are the hard part.

Because its not just a time sink.

Whatever makes you feel better. But I was the RL for the top 10m guild on my server throughout Mists until the 10m scene died and took most guilds with it. I pugged heroics in WoD and then gave up entirely.

In Heroic, tons of people are able to be carried through with little to no skill.

It’s even possible in mythic.

The difficulty is in coordinating it.

At least solo content actually has to be done by the player doing it, rather than “pay gold for a carry and AFK”.


Thanks for proving my point. You havent raided anything relevant.

And that is bad game design, Lucky for us the wow developers understand that and going to improve it or so they say.

If they don’t well, better mmos will be played. it is as simple as that.


Lol. Whatever makes you feel better about your supposed skill, my man.

You obviously care a lot about the perception of your excellence.


Yet you don’t have CE 10 player garrosh, and garrosh 10 and 25 are your aotc achievements from the time.

An the sneaky devilsuarus too

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It’s true. No one on my server CEd Garrosh alliance side. We were progressed through 11/14 when the prepatch hit and finished it in the new 20M format.

It’s why these Dragons of Nightmare WB’s are entertaining.

Especially the one in Duskwood.

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