"You don't need mythic gear for world content" Is true, but

Okay then why are people saying ZM was bad, of course it’s bad in season 4 but it wasn’t updated lmao

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And there was no new system in S4, meaning that in the current game, LFR is a much better gearing route.

Heck, heroic dungeons are a better gearing route.

Below 252.

Mythic +2s were super casual. Just run that.

I have those, thanks.

Next season maybe I’ll play with them so I never have to interact with people like you.

No, I just know when people are being obnoxious weasels on purpose.

So take your free gear and shove it.

ZM gear was pretty good for S3 standards, you know, when ZM was current content.

I hate timed dungeons with a burning passion and would rather quit than run them.

They sap all the fun out of a dungeon crawl.


Thank god, I wouldn’t want to be stuck with a whiny nancy all through a easy mode Mythic 0.

I loved ZM, i took 12 toons through it. In S4, we got the shaft. But like i said, Ion told Preach that is was a HUGE mistake to not have upped the gear in ZM, and it is a mistake they will NOT make again.



Season 4 is patch 9.25 and a continuation of patch 9.2. In 9.2 Normal raid gear was 252.

Fated LFR is a completely different thing from 9.2 LFR and ZM was introduced in 9.2

Technically, it is still current content. There was nothing new released, so ZM gear is “current” in s4.

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You all need to remember with that wonderful 252 cypher gear the tremendous amount of time slogging through ZM it took to unlock it. Not like Ohh I am getting 252 gear in a few weeks.

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Ez fix :

yea but even without that the gear was still pretty good ilvl relatively speaking

Auction House quality…

Primal Invasions are killing GPUs as it is, now imagine if you got mythic level Rygelon dagger from a world boss, servers wouldn’t handle it

I’m not going to flush ZM down the drain because of S4. When ZM was current content in s3, the ilvl was good.

I did, and on 12 toons! Was not hard playing for 2 hours per toon to get enough cyphers a day to unlock a gear ilvl. Was quite easy tbh.

No, they’re not.

That is false, you can not unlock a gear level once a day.