You don't have forever anymore blizzard

Anything, everything, and whatever asmond says, suggest, states, mentions is HOT garbage on a summer day inside a gym locker with No ac. I don’t watch his videos, so you can say I am assuming but I am sure he is rambling about how it will be the next wow killer big mmo slurp slurp gawkhawk3000 let me crap on the toxic game that is wow or something to that affect.

Honestly I watched one video of his: when he was crying or something sad and said he was taken a break: I was hoping it was forever. Sad my birthday wish did not come true

Yeah, I hope that doesn’t happen tbh. Those types are kinda annoying.

I mean he drinks soda and Gatorade, those products are still good despite his terrible opinions.

Why bother I read about it, watched videos about it, and even watched gameplay about it years ago it seems, and none of it stuck so I forgot all about it.

You guys put too much hope in these hype based games.

I am sure 100’s will exist, I played when 12M subs were active, they better do something, or it will be how Solitaire vs. WoW.

Ah, gotcha, you don’t know anything about it.

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You know more about his life then I do. CONGO-Grats. Also thanks now you ruined soda and Gatorade for me.

I don’t think so, I only seen memes with him a few times and briefly in the video posted here.

Then again he reminds me of the type that drinks red Gatorade: no one drinks red gatorade so I might be safe still.

It was blue gatorade :wink:

I’m excited for ashes

but it’s definitely not a “wow killer” - or rather I suppose it is in the same sense all the other “wow killers” killed wow.

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A portion of MMOs that were labeled a wow killer ended up killing themselves.

Sidenote: Imagine if Kingdom Hearts 4 comes out before this game… Kek.

I know some people in this thread have already mentioned this but the fact that pvp is always on is a deal breaker for me. I have zero interest in it and I know I’m not alone.

But good luck to all those waiting for it!


So basically, every game in existence?

Games don’t give estimated release dates until they’re basically almost done with the game. If you follow Ashes development you know they’re at least 2 and a half years out from being in a launch ready state.

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Honestly, Blizzard Killed WoW, its been dead, we’re playing in its corpse. Sometimes people come to visit then leave. Thats about it. No game needs to outperform WoW’s 2 decade legacy of existing.


Sometimes its like that. That is fine though to each their own. :slight_smile:

Big Yikes.

Yep! I’m glad you know this, most seem to think that hyping a game up is the best way to get releases by moving the release date. Lol

There have been plenty of pretty wow killer who didn’t deliver.

How do you kill something that is already dead?

Just roam Azeroth and tell me how many players you see. They’re all in capital cities being herded.