You can no longer MC players while on a boat, Even on a PVP Server

When casting Mind Control on a boat you now get an error message that reads

“Target can not be charmed”

One step closer to finally getting rid of PVP servers




Im sorry, what. What kind of soft pvp servers are these then


Why? Is it because the grave yards are all 25 years outdated?

Yeah… 12 year olds just say “skill issue” when you bring this up but I guess Blizzard doesn’t think it’s a skill issue, go figure.

Perfect. One nerf down, Now to nerf priest damage and pets


I love PVP, but I’m okay with this change… it’s just a loser thing to do.


3 second cast, with like a 20 yd range if u cant just LOS it you should go play on an RP server


Weird change tbh.

Uuh when was that introduced?
Literally yesterday i saw a priest throwing someone off the boat using MC.

thank god i decided to continue with my druid for p3 and left the priest at 40.

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Yeah! War mode coming to a server near you!

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Care bear baby change for care bear baby players. Weak.


What’s next, nerfing rogue distracting people off the boat ramp? These changes really make an open world feel restricted, less like classic and more like retail.


Just disable pvp servers already. Nobody likes them apparently.

Not sure but the link I included a video of a priest unable to cast it

I was going to level a priest just for MCing people off the boat in my spare time. sure glad i didnt

Maybe post in Customer Support or Classic Bug forums.


I dont think its a bug, my gut says intentional

either way i dont have a priest, this is more like journalism to start a riot

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There’s a ton of players who don’t like PvP servers that roll PvP servers, and I for one think they should suffer the consequences of that decision in full :blush:

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idk, I think they made some mistakes recently. I noticed I had to redo a bunch of macros, because equip slot numbers had changed, and then they changed back.

In any case, this is either a bug or it’s removing a very classic element of PVP interaction from the game, which would be shameful if intentional.
