You can no longer MC players while on a boat, Even on a PVP Server

If we’re lucky they’ll just remove rogues from the game completely.

They changed, changed back, then changed back again lol

Would really love if they’d just release their hotfix notes.

I understand how a slight rune change or slot change for a rune could take place

I noticed that as well that it changed and went back, it was noticed and fixed.

this is weird though, suddenly just while on the boat? what in the coding would cause this?

Do you think its possible this was something they were thinking about adding but didnt, and now its toggled on somehow?

I just dont think thats the case. who knows

I could be wrong but wouldn’t MCing players in certain situations bug them out and prevent them from logging back in. I seem to remember that being an issue at one time. Maybe Blizzard got sick of the support tickets for the issue.

Wow you can’t participate in toxic behavior anymore. It’s a national tragedy.

I’m not sure, but I think there may be some experimenting with layers and maybe something about how boats work while they are traveling between zones - is there a possibility to swap layers or somehow for two players on the same boat to become out of sync?

It’s literally opt-in behavior that people can opt-out of ever experiencing by playing on Normal servers.

Calling PVP interactions on PVP servers toxic is… well toxic.



Removing toxic griefing seems somehow okay to me. I want to play the game and be able to get where I’m going. My vision of PvP is a skirmish out in the world, or maybe from competing for resources. Not ruining someone’s night for that sole sake.

You are libertarian in your pvp views.

Then that includes not ganking someone at the end of a 15 min escort quest.

One of my favs! I particularly love watching a low level alliance group escorting that guy in Redridge and then murdering them all before it’s complete! It NEVER gets old!

unfortunate how they cater to people who are literally afk and refuse to LOS inside the boat but sure! not rly a big deal imo just kind of funny when u can do it, doesnt even give honor and you dont see their reaction kind of a low tier grief

That is the problem. That is YOUR vision of PvP and unless you have a main character complex you should realize that your idea of PvP is subservient to Blizzard’s.

Join a PvE server. This is always the answer.

Seems like Blizzard disagrees and disabled the ability to do that. Sucks to suck.

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The only “suck” is the players who roll PvP then pee their pants about it.

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It’s all personal opinion, right?

some players might also think PVP is not when you are at 20% hp fighting mobs. too

but that doesnt make ganking not ok

That could well be the case.

Sure. And people do tend to have different understandings and ideas of what PVP means, and some also want to apply that to the differences in functional behavior of Normal and PVP servers.


AH YES. the pinnacle of wow pvp. mind controlling someone 23 level below you off a boat. “pvp”. clowns.

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Yeah, exactly.

This has been a part of the game for 20 years. You can always avoid being MC’d off. bad players just dont know how.

Rogue distract off elevators shouldnt be allowed either, right?

in that case, lets remove the snowballs from AV as well.

you know what, lets bring warmode into SOD

Great suggestions, thanks for sharing.