You can get BANNED? for pvp?

NPCS unkillable in pvp servers are aren’t authentic, and stupid because the game revolves around faction vs faction conflict.

I was never banned from killing npcs in classic, I usually killed them in order to use world defense to lure some max levels into ashenvale to kill.

I played on pvp realm, if a realm is ever called pve in classic it should make the npcs unkillable and make it impossible for people to flag and kill each other.

All the more reason to not have cross realm bg, that way the faction with only 10% can dominate in bgs while the others have to slow ques.

You can’t be banned for corpse camping, killing lowbies, or killing quest NPC. As it should be!

I have played on a few servers and felt this like making an ally toon on illidan having max levels camping south shore. It sucks but the best solutions for this is to either leave, form a guild just for being a pvp problem for them, or don’t implement battlegroup bgs. That way those who play on dominant faction will end up leaving the server.
Gota make it harder for them, if they had to wait 4 hours for a bg que they deserve it for rolling on dominant faction on purpose or at least most people who do this do.
It won’t be instant, but crap servers like that have been linked to realms that were balance and as a result ruined the server in retail.

It’s literally impossible to engage in PvP on a pve server involuntarily. If you choose to participate, why would it be bannable?

Fallanaa is likely referring to players turning PvP on and killing quest NPC’s… thus forcing players on a PvE server to PvP in order to continue playing… which runs counter to “pvp is optional” on pve servers.

I think thats what fall is saying

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Simple. You aoe a mob with something like consecration. Opposing factions steps into said aoe and takes 1 tick of damage. You are now flagged for PvP and the griefer can kill you. Classic PvP jerk move.

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Ohhh gotcha. Thanks for clarifying.

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if Blizzard is true to their word, they could re-add some of the old flagging peculiarities, like running into someone’s AOE to flag them, or blue wall. I I recall, they didn’t fix that til Warlords of Draenor. I remember all fun on the timeless island, especially if you had that buff.

AOE healing was a nightmare, all’s it took was one flagged player to ruin your day.

Cant we get a server where PvP REALLY is optional? No flagging at all. TO avoid the whole “I dont want x in my cities” use the Dalaran model - teleport them out.

I bet it would be one of the most popular server types.

Implement Warmode? or something like that. Of course the #NoChange folks would have an aneurysm.

I’m primarily a pve player. I don’t mind pvp per se. It is just when I am out questing, I am just going about my business in an almost zen-like state of mind, really focused. PvP servers can’t offer me that. BG’s and Wpvp though, I’ll gladly, and will, join in on, because it is optional, and can fit my mood when I have craving for bashing in some horde skulls!! :smile:

No warmode did absoluttely NOTHING to allow people to avoid PvP. It just added a third way to PvP on a PvE realm.

Now If Warmode took out the flagged people from the non-warmode shard I would like it but it didnt.IMHO flagged should equal warmode but it doesnt.

In warmode:
You have normal non pvp mode in pve shard.
You have normal pvp flagged mode in pve shard
You have warmode in pvp shard.

Option #2 is for PvP players who want to fight pve players that are not expecting to fight back so only griefers are there but blizz keep it

Vrakthris said this a while back…still holds true.

regardless what kind of realm you are on none of them are “PvP-free”. You have a lot more control on a PvE realm than a PvP, but PvP is still an aspect of the game that is not likely to go away.

We are starting to wander into the #ChangeThisPlease territory

Pretty much. Part of why I actually think Warmode was a good idea (if badly implemented.) Completely segregate PvP from PvE.

Don’t pull any crap like the cloak in MoP that required PvP. Not only did it annoy people that didn’t want to PvP, it annoyed PvP players because we came into their BGs and did the minimum we needed to in order to get what we needed.

PvE & PvP are like water and oil. They should remain completely separate as they (and for the most part, their players) are incompatible.

I don’t think he’s being crabby, he’s just being factual.

I can state factually that I know of a certain player on my Vanilla home that did far worse than anything described in this thread regarding camping and killing and “Griefing”

He was never banned… I assure you people curse his name to this same day… Even a real life buddy no joke hates the dude…

The irony about this certain player is that he never uttered a word in chat when doing his deeds…

he was 100% down to business and just an online blood bath who killed enemy NPC’s simply to get his victims out on their “main”.

I can tell you with absolute certainty that this player continues to play the same character regardless of the state of that class and still camps, griefs, “ganks” and so on…

He’s prolific with 677 THOUSAND Lifetime HK’s on the same character. 250K of those he made in Vanilla, I hope that puts things into perspective.

I assure you 90% or better of his lifetime HK’s are from world PVP, and he’s got no issue with camping the same player for as long as he’s online.

I have hear of numerous people who petitioned to have him banned due to his exploits yet nothing ever came of it.

So far, I see no evidence of someone being banned due to in game PVP activities of any kind.

I would wager that the few alleged stories you uncover will be some one blaming their ban on that, but the truth is likely different.

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I remember back in vanilla some horde kidnapping a flight master and demanding a ransom from the alliance through the booty bay auction house for him back. A GM killed the flight master so he would just respawn, but I don’t remember anyone getting banned for it.

No you can’t get banned for killing flagged NPCs

If you are on a PvP server and complain about NPCs being camped they will say ‘there is a PvP solution we cannot help’
On a Normal server if it happens for DAYS by the same group of people then Blizzard may cause their hearthstones to go off and put them to the hearth location (seen it happen).

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Can’t get banned for pvp but you could get banned from right click report if blizzard has automatic ban system in place if they don’t then no you won’t.

Its bad game design to create a faction vs faction game where you can’t kill npcs in. They are apart of the living breathing world and dishonorable killed were landmines when they came into effect by placing citizens next to quest givers fools would lose their rank.

ehhh i mean suspension or warnings,most the time its ignored cause its sorta poart of the game dynamic but it can get to a point where gm’s interact

no it really can’t.
On a normal server if it’s over an extended (read : multiple days) period of time they may hearth everyone and give warnings but that is the most that I’ve ever even heard of happening.
On PvP ervers nothing ever happened to those killing NPCs.
Had someone in my guild in a Normal server that had so many DHKs that he couldn’t go into SW (we were Alliance and he was a human) as the guards would attack him.

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